Nanotehnologia in Romania: studiu prospectiv

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The visit in Romania of the Dr. Mihail C. Roco, senior adviser for nanotechnology,
National Science Foundation, USA

The Symposium “Perspectives of nanotechnology in 2020 and the Romanian researchers in this area" ("Perspectivele nanotehnologiei pana in 2020 si prezenta cercetatorilor romani in domeniu”) was organized on January the 19th 2011 at the Romanian Academy, with the occasion of Dr. Mihail C. Roco visit in Romania. Dr. M. Roco is senior adviser for nanotechnology, National Science Foundation, USA and a key personality of the nanotechnology domain.

  • The flyer of this event is available here (in Romanian);
  • The event programme and presentations are available here;
  • Photo gallery [...];
  • Press statement (in Romanian) [...];

In a short presentation, Dr. Mihail Roco characterized the state of the nanotechnology domain at more than a decade since the “National Nanotechnology Initiative” was launched in the United States and talked about the new USA programme for nanotechnology (until 2020) which was put forward following a large scientific debate at international level. The document is available by courtesy of Dr. Roco for all the researchers interested in this topic.

If you are interested to access materials transmitted by Dr. Roco, please visit this web page
Information related to the presentation of Dr. Mihail C.Roco: "Long View Nanotechnology Research Directions: 2000-2020", at the Romanian Academy, on 19th of January, 2011)

125 participants from academic and industrial entities attended the symposium, distributed as follows:

  • 67 representatives from 18 national R&D institutes;
  • 22 representatives from 5 universities;
  • 15 representatives from 9 companies;
  • 13 representatives from 5 Romanian Academy Institutes;
  • 8 representatives from 5 public institutions.


In the same day, Dr. Mihail Roco received "Doctor HONORIS CAUSA" degree from Politehnica University of Bucharest (photo).


Visits to prestigious institutes in the country active in nanotechnology domain

During his visit in Bucharest, Dr. Roco was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Dragos Ciuparu, the president of the National Authority for Scientific Research, visited the research laboratories from “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (photo gallery), National Institute of Material Physics, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics and participated to meetings with two local subsidiaries of foreign companies with activities related to the domain.

Press echoes