

    • increasing the quality of scientific research and their utilization through publications (especially ISI) and patents
    • recruiting and training of personnel, including the participation to common educational activities with universities
    • promoting spin-off activities at institutes from universities and from the institute itself
    • focusing and continuation of cooperation activities at European level having as the main aim participation to FP7
    • establishing partnerships with a few European institutes working in the same field
    • defining and constructing a regional role) for the institute, as a technological pole
    • strengthening the national networks with IMT as contact point, especially with respect to the interaction with the European technological platforms of nanoelectronics, nanomedicine and nanophotonics, respectively
    • increase the critical mass of the offer for knowledge, technologies and products in the domain, by developing the network of technological transfer, containing providers and users of knowledge and technologies
    • installing new equipments and increasing their versatility
    • structuring and expanding the scientific and technological services offered by the institute, complementary to the ones
      available at European level
    • assuring contact points and also offices for equipments manufacturing companies
    • involvement in regional development through projects for structural funding (UE)


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Last update: March 31, 2006