MINAFAB Characterization equipments

EP4,Suss Microtec, Germany

Technical characteristics:

  • Base machine (base plate with embedded hand rests; sliding stage, 100mm travel in x and y; working position secured by vacuum)
  • Substrate chuck (standard chuck for wafers and substrates up to 100mm; material: stainless steel; working position secured by vacuum)
  • Magnetic probe head semiring (2 semiring suitable for probeheads with magnetic adapter; max. 4x PH120 or 8xPH100)
  • Motic SMZ 140S stereozoom microscope complete with adapter + fixation (microscope body, tube, focus drive; two 15 eyepieces; adjustable integrated illumination; magnification 15x-60x, working distance 80mm).


DC characterisation;


Application scientist:

Dr. Alexandru Muller, [email protected].
Dr. Mircea Dragoman, [email protected].



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Last update: March, 2012