
Figure 1. The new configuration of the microgripper model

Fig.2 The results of displacement in the direction of closing arms for the new configuration


- As thermal boundary conditions the initial temperature of the whole structure and the temperature of the environment were considered to be 27 oC and the air convection coefficient was set to 20 W/m2K.

- The numerical analysis of the microgripper requires a coupled simulation over different physical domains: electrical, thermal and mechanical. The meshed model contains an optimized number of volume elements (27 nodes per hexahedral element), assuring the accuracy of the results for coupled electro-thermo-mechanical simulations in CoventorWare software.

Some simulation of the structure models was performed in liquids (water) in order to observe the behavior of the structure in liquids needed for biological manipulation. See below the result comparisons.

Fig. 3 The remaining distance between the ends of  free arms of the first model of microgripper for different convection coefficient: from air to different liquids

It can be observed that operation in liquid requires higher voltages than operation in air do to the higher convection coefficient encountered in liquids. We have considered different values for the convection coefficient higher than for air, corresponding to different liquids.

Senzori optici pentru micropozitionare cu aplicatii in micro-robotica

Fotodetectoare multielement – matrici uni si bidimensionale –dau o indicatie a pozitiei razei laser prin identificarea structurii care furnizeaza un semnal. Elementele matricii sunt structuri miniaturizate de fotodiode PIN

Lay-out pentru senzorul cu 3x3 elemente

Lay-out pentru doua matrici liniare de fotodiode PIN integrate cu ghidul optic

Fotodetectoare de tip metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM)


Avantajele structurii MSM comparativ cu celelalte tipuri de structuri:

-  performante de viteza de raspuns superioare;
-  proces de realizare mai simplu;
-  tensiune de functionare mai mica;
-  compatibilitate cu tehnologia CMOS si capabilitatea de a fi cuplata cu  componente microoptice.

Fotodetector multielement cu fotodiode de tip MSM

Imaginea la microscopul optic a fotodetectorului cu 3x3 elemente active realizat.

a)                                                                      b)

Imagine la microscopul optic a fotodetectorului multielement integrat  cu
ghidul optic realizat: a) ansamblu; b) detaliu


