NANOSCALE - CONV          



General Objectives

  • establish the work mode and the access to the partners' equipments
  • realisation of work points
  • common use of facilities, partners' research and characterisation activities integration
  • characterisation equipment/ existing resources invantory
  • aquisition of an equipment for fabrication and research at nanometric scale, available for all the partners in the network and that will be va set in the clean room -2005
  • building a web page, through wich all partners will be informed of the equipment that are available for common use (creation of a data base) -2005
  • joint research activities
  • developing a complex plan for characterisation methods use
  • developing of an educational program
  • results and excelence dissemination
  • establishing a complx servicies offer
  • intelectual property rights identification
  • increase the partners'common project number at national and international level; Romanian Research integration in ERA ( European Research Aria)
  • establishing future financing methods for analysis ( materials, equipments, human resources) for access of users outside the consortium

Specific Objectives

  • Aquisition of equipment that will allow last minute world-wide research -arrangement of work spaces in the clean room that would allow the improvement of partners quality, by atracting, development and concentration of competent human and material resources
  • Research - Development
  • Education - laboratories, courses, seminars, research training, E- Lerning, ; mobilities in the frame of the network, visits in foreign countries, at partners from different European Networks, where some of the consortium members have access, by being members of those international networks (ASSEMIC, 4M); sections during some confereces such as IEEE-CAS, organised by IMT, or other conferences organised by the partners
  • Dissemination