
The work performed during the first year of the Project was discussed during the 3rd Regular Project Meeting, which took place in Berlin on 29th-30th November 2012.
In Work Package 2 (WP2), existing protocols for manufacturing, measurement and testing have been critically evaluated and will be further optimized, and 2 sets of in‐house synthesized NM (SiO2, TiO2, Au), and NM provided by MARINA partners (CNT, Ag), have been characterized. Also a first scheme for the biological screening of the selected materials was established and first SOPs for synthesis, characterization and toxicological profiling are available. Partner laboratories of WP3 (the “validation WP”) have received prototypes of Ag and SiO2 nanoparticles from WP2, and a list of methods to be tested was established and circulated to partners for a first “round‐robin” inter‐lab comparison (RR) for method validation. So far, particles have been characterized and a range of critical pc properties of the test materials (viz. size, size distribution, shape, surface charge, surface chemistry, purity, surface area, hydrodynamic size etc.) identified. As a main outcome of first RR cell culture studies, first SOPs have been prepared on the growth of A549 cells and the potential myco‐plasma contamination, by determining relative cell growth and doubling time. In addition, equipment and sites to assess dispersion of aerosol ENP have been selected and work started to validate methods used for monitoring human workplace exposure. In WP4 (the risk and life cycle assessment WP), a first data evaluation of existing human and environmental health hazard strategies has been finalized with emphasis on eco‐toxic effects of CNTs. Also available schemes for risk assessment developed for EN have been evaluated. To implement the LCA and LCIA of selected NM, specific data collection sheets have been drafted and made available to all partners. Results from WP3 will be successively integrated into the work on hazard and exposure assessment to develop new strategies applicable for human and environment risk assessment of nanomaterials.

Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF) Reports:

What’s in your car? - Nano Applications for the Automotive Industry:

NanoValid Workshop: Practical Guidance for the Safe Use of Nanomaterials
27-28 November 2012, Berlin, Germany

❹ The project team had its 4th regular project meeting (5-6 June 2013) in Ljubljana, Slovenia to discuss the first results achieved. This will be followed by a one-day review meeting, where all work package leaders (WPL) met with our Project Officer (Nicolas Segebarth) and the Project Technical Advisor (Costas Charidis), to assess the progress of work in terms of deliverables and milestones and based on the 1st Periodic Report.
❺ NanoValid will implement its first training workshop on Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials, organized by the University of Zaragoza, at the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon, Spain, on 16-20 September 2013.
Register here:
Draft programme: