Component project 2:
Non-invasive microsensors for continuous glucose monitoring during pregnancy.
Partner institutions:
- Institutul National de Cercetare- Dezvoltare Pentru Microtehnologie-L2 – IMT Bucuresti INCD – -coordonator
- Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "CAROL DAVILA"-UMF
- Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti-UPB
Project description:
The project proposes to study, build and test the technology for a non-invasive sensor for the measurement of glucose in the saliva. A new technology, based on micro fabrication and plastic electronics will leed to a new, sensitive, selective and completly non-invavise sensor for the continuous monitorization of glucose in pregnant women diagnosed with diabetes, in high risk of diabetes or other complication with high risk of premature delivery. This sensor does not exist on the medical market so a big challenge is going to be the fabrication of the device and testing it on biological probes from pacients (saliva) versus blood tests (”golden standard”) so all information will be harvested: medical requirements alongside pacient’s feedback so the monitoring system is built after users requirements to prove its full eficiency.
Proposed achieving indicators:
- 1 system specification
- 1 project device
- 1 projection and fabrication
- Software projection
- Biochip sensors (50)
- 1 report of lab tested sensors
- 1 electronic block of measurement-Software
- 1 report of functional testing in the laboratory (TRL 5)
- 1 technological development plan for a continuous monitoring system with WiFi transmission.
- 1 brevet form
- 2 ISI publications
- 2 scientific conference publications
- 3 unoccupied full-time positions
Component Projects (click on the project to see more details):