Component project 3:
Evaluation of premature birth risks due to the HPV-EVA-RINA infection.
Partner institutions:
- Institutul National Pentru Sanatatea Mamei si Copilului "Alessandrescu-Rusescu" Bucuresti-IOMC- IC
- Institutul National de Cercetare- Dezvoltare Pentru Microtehnologie -L1– IMT Bucuresti INCD
- Institutul Clinic Fundeni-ICF
Project description:
The project aims to do clinical studies to see weather or not there is a link between the presence of HPV virus and the triggering of premature delivery and it is going to use as a investigation and moitoring method, genotyping microarray structures, realized within the project. The microarray structures will be projected and developed according to the requirements that might appear during the study and they will be personalized to each and every pregnant woman that enters the programme.
Proposed achieving indicators:
- 2 methods
- 1 chip developement protocol
- 1 hibridization protocol / fluorescent DNA probe marking
- Informed consent
- Infrastructure consolidation – portable scanner
- 1 new services offer
- 1 analyses set
- Evaluation method
- 3 ISI/ non-ISI publications
- 2 scientific confference papers
- 5 unoccupied full-time positions
Component Projects (click on the project to see more details):