Component project 4:
Wireless multi-sensor system for fetal activity and uterine contractions monitoring and classification during pregnancy.
Partner institutions:
- Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti-UPB- IC
- Institutul National de Cercetare- Dezvoltare Pentru Microtehnologie-L2 – IMT Bucuresti INCD
- Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "CAROL DAVIL-UMF
Project description:
The project proposes the development of a multi-sensor intelligent, non-invasive and accurate system of monitoring and classification of fetal movements and uterine contractions during pregnancy. This system will consist of a wireless network of portable sensors and a central unit for the acquisition, processing and analysis of the signals provided by the sensor network.
It is intended to develop a wearable sensor system that can be worn by the pregnant woman outside the medical cabinet for recording fetal movements and uterine contractions.
The data taken from the sensor network can be transmitted electronically to a medical setting for analysis and interpretation. The sensor network will have three components: a subset of acceleration sensors for detecting the oscillations of the maternal abdominal wall; a subnet of Surface ElectroMyoGraphy sensors (SEMG) to identify the movement of muscles or groups of mother's muscles; a subset of reference sensors to identify movements caused by mother's breathing and for identifying maternal heart rhythm. The signals provided by the sensors will be transmitted wirelessly to the central unit consisting of a laptop or a smartphone. A software application for processing and analyzing data will also be implemented.
Proposed achieving indicators:
- 1 block diagram
- 1 documentation
- 1 communication protocol
- 2 demonstrators
- 1 acquisition and processing application of data
- 5 multi sensor test structures
- 2 databases
- 2 studies
- test results interpretation
- 1 patent application
- 2 ISI papers
- 3 conference papers
- 3 full free positions
Component Projects (click on the project to see more details):