- SCIENTIFIC EVENTS (Conferences, Workshops, Seminaries, Project meetings, InfoDay)
- PRESS (articles in magazines, presentation movies)
VISITS (visits of foreign officials, visit of Romanian officials) |
Official visit / events in IMT 2022
Ioan Marcel Boloș, Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, Romanian Government, 24 March 2022
Official visit / events in IMT 2020
Ioan Marcel Boloș, Minister of European Funds, Romanian Government, 4 March 2020
Official visit / events in IMT 2019
Peter Dröll, Director, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation, Industrial Technologies, 14 June 2019
Hamed Merdji, CEA, France, Head of the Ultrafast Nanophotonics team, 14 June 2019 |
Prof. Sorin Cotofana, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 21 May 2019 |
Official visit / events in IMT 2015
Progress Meeting - Project i-NanoTool- “Development of an interactive tool for the implementation of environmental legislation in Nanoparticle Manufacturers”, LIFE12 ENV/ES/000326, (01/07/2013 – 31/12/2015)
Coordinator: Natividad Alcón – AIDO, Valencia, Spania), 27 May 2015, IMT Bucharest. Photo gallery.
Participants: AIDO (Technological Institute of Optics, Colour and Imaging), Valencia, Spania; KETEK (Technology Centre KETEK, LTD), Kokkola, Finlanda; CÁMARA OFICIAL DE COMERCIO, INDUSTRIA Y NAVEGACIÓN DE VALENCIA, Valencia, Spain; CENTI (Centro de Nanotecnologia e Materiais Técnicos, Funcionais e Inteligentes), Porto, Portugalia;
Visit in IMT of delegation from Republic of South Africa, University of Johannesburg and Nelson Mandela metropolitan University, 20 April 2015
Delegation members: Dr. Walter Musakwa: University of Johannesburg, Prof. Theo van Niekerk: Nelson Mandela metropolitan University,
Dr. Trynos Gumbo: University of Johannesburg.
Visit in IMT of Student Delegation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Specialisation: Technology of machine construction from University of Craiova, 23 January 2015. Photo gallery.
Official visit / events in IMT 2014
"The open doors day" organised by IMT-Bucharest on the 16th of December 2014.Details (in Romanian) Photo gallery 1.
During this occasion, IMT Bucharest was visited by the 11th A grade students from “Sf. Sava” National College. Photo gallery. Details (in Romanian)
IMT Bucharest at Researcher's Night 2014, 26 September 2014. Photo gallery. Details (in Romanian)
Progress Meeting - Project “Carbon based smart systems for wireless applications” -NANO RF (FP7-ICT-2011-8, contract no. 318352, 2012 - 2015,
Coordinator: Dr. Afshin Ziaei, Thales SA - Thales Research & Technology, France), 27 May 2014, IMT Bucharest.
Participants: Thales Research and Technology (TRT) (France), Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH) (Greece), Center for National scientific Research – Laboratory for Architecture and Analysis of Systems (CNRS-LAAS) (France), Linköping University (LiU) (Sweden), SHT Smart High-Tech AB (SHT) (Sweden), Tyndall-UCC (Tyndall) ( Ireland), Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) (Italy), Chalmers University of Technology (Chalmers) (Sweden), Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology (ICN) (Spain), Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) (Italy).
Local organizer: IMT Bucharest, Dr. Mircea Dragoman. |
“Co-operation between R&D Groups and SMEs -a brokerage event”- Project “Romanian-Bulgarian Services Centre
for Microsystems and Nanotechnology”- RO-BG MicroNanotech (MIS-ETC Code: 587), 16 April 2014, IMT Bucharest.
Participants: Bulgaria: Markova 2011 Ltd., Medico Design, Thermo Service Ltd., Mechatronica SC- Gabrovo, Metalika-MIST" Ltd., Elytex Ltd., NRJSoft Ltd., ZMD Eastern Europe Ltd.- Varna; Romania: S. C. CONFOR S. A. and Shipyard A.T.G. Giurgiu.
The “Know more, be better” (“Scoala, altfel”) 2014. IMT Bucharest was visited by the 10th A grade students from “Mihai Viteazul” National College.
The “Know more, be better” (“Scoala, altfel”) project took place between 7 and 11 of April 2014. During this occasion, IMT Bucharest was visited by the 10th A grade students from “Mihai Viteazul” National College.
After a presentation about the institute and the field of microtechnology delivered by dr.Carmen Moldovan, the students visited the IMT laboratories. The visit included tours to the technology and characterization areas and to the laboratories for simulation, 3D prototyping and reliability testing. The dialogue with specialists facilitated new knowledge horizons to be opened for the students, allowing them to see and understand the possibilities of this research field, which is particularly important for the global society.
Visit of European Commission delegation, 18 March 2013, IMT Bucharest
IMT Bucharest was visited on March 18, 2014 by Mr. Christos Tokamanis, Head of Unit “Advanced Materials and Nano Technologies”, “Key Enabling Technologies” Department , Directorate-General “Research & Innovation” and Mr. Herbert von Bose, former director at DG RTD, Industrial Technologies, from European Commission.
During the meeting, the European officials underlined the importance of Romanian R&D on “Horizon 2020” implementation.
Also, the delegation members have visited the grey area, CVD workshop, simulation laboratory, rapid prototyping laboratory and microwaves laboratory from IMT Bucharest.

Consortium Meeting - Project “3-Scale modelling for robust-design of vibrating micro sensors” -3SMVIB (MNT-ERANET, 2012-2015) 16-17 January 2014, IMT Bucharest.
Participants: Project Coordinator Open Engineering S.A. (Belgium), University of Liege (Belgium), V2i S.A.(Belgium), Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Politechnika Warszawska (Poland), IMT Bucharest (Romania)
Local organizer: IMT Bucharest, Dr. Raluca Muller
Project meeting in IMT Bucharest
16 January 2014 |
Visit of the project partners in IMT Bucharest
17 January 2014 |
Official visit / events in IMT 2013
"SMEs and R&D Together" Workshop, September 12th, 2013
Organized as an action of 'Romanian-Bulgarian Services Centre for Microsystems and Nanotechnology' project, in this framework of the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013.
The aim of the project was to provide friendly grounds to cooperation between universities and research institutes and SMEs from the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area in the MNT field and collect data concerning companies, entrepreneurs, either individuals or via SMEs, and local associations interested and/or acting in this area, as part of a comprehensive approach to Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border cooperation, included in EU strategy on regional economic change.
This initiative introduces new ways to increase dynamics of regional and urban networks, and to have innovative ideas tested and implemented. Dr. Corneliu Trisca-Rusu described the background and the objectives of the meeting and made a brief but consistent presentation of the project to the newcomers. Dr. Raluca Muller delivered a general presentation of IMT Bucharest, with focus on potential collaboration with interested SMEs. Acad. Dan Dascalu presented the key points of the “open” fabrication facility IMT-MINAFAB, as a success in integration of SMEs activity into the general developments of IMT. The idea of the high utility bilateral meetings for a successful development has been nicely stressed by the presentation Dr. Marius Bazu delivered.
A tour of the technology departments and research laboratories of IMT allowed an overview of the opportunities that SMEs on the cross border area may have in relation to MNT, with regard to availability of specific MNT services delivered by R&D institutions.
The Workshop has been organized by the lead partner of the 'Romanian-Bulgarian Services Centre for Microsystems and Nanotechnology' project, IMT-Bucharest, with the participation of the other partners: the University 'Angel Kanchev' - Ruse, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Calarasi, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Giurgiu and the Chamber of Commerce in Ruse. Industry has been represented by a number of companies, from both Romania and Bulgaria: SC ROM-QUARTZ SA, Buchrest; DDS Diagnostics, Bucharest; ZIROM SA, Giurgiu; Shipyard ATG, Giurgiu; Technovacsystems Ltd., Ruse.
The ensuing discussions strongly pointed on the importance of mutual contacts facilitating basic common approach, technological facilities access, R&D collaboration and business opportunities, strongly supported by the partnership with the chambers of commerce involved in the project.

Visit of Korea expert consulting delegation, initiatied by the National R&D Policies division of the Romanian Ministry of National Education, September 12, 2013
The visit was organized in the context of a consulting project related to the elaboration of the new National R&D policies and strategy. Dr. Raluca Muller made a general presentation of IMT Bucharest, and Acad. Dan Dascalu presented the key points of IMT development and strategic priorities in the context of Horizon 2020 and Orizont 2020 initiatives. The ensuing discussions acknowledged the importance of the strong international visibility of the IMT Bucharest and underlined the significance of clear-cut strategic objectives in the new national and international contexts.
Members of the Korean delegation:
Dr. Kyung Soon Song- Representative Expert at Korea Expert Consulting Group (KECG);
Dr. Deok Soon Yim- CEO of International Innopolis Research Center;
Dr. Chi-Ung Song- Research fellow at the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI);
Dr. Gi-don An- Economics professor at Chungnam University and executive director of Korean Urban Management Association;
Ms. Jimin Park- Associate at KECG
From the Ministry of National Education, the delegation was accompanied by:
Mr. Eugen Scarlat - Counselor at National R&D Policies division;
Mrs. Elena Stoica - Counselor at National R&D Policies division.

During August 29, 2013, IMT was visited by Mr. Koen Debeule from the ESA Technical Directorate, Mechanical Engineering Dept. (TEC-MXE) - ESTEC Test Centre Division / Engineering Services Section Directorate of Technical and Quality Management and, respectively, by Mrs. Ylva Houltz M.Sc from SSC Group, Science Services Division / Payloads & Rockets. Their visit was in continuation of the support offered by Phys. Eng. Victor MOAGĂR-POLADIAN and Dr. Gabriel MOAGĂR-POLADIAN, researchers at IMT – L5 Laboratory, to the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest students for their participation in the REXUS – BEXUS Rocket / Balloon EXperiments for University-Students competition. The students’ team won the first place and was accepted to participate with their experiment within the rocket launch in March 2014. Their experiment refers to laser welding of two metals in low-gravity conditions. The two IMT researchers provided simulation and advice on how the experiment behaves from the thermal point of view so that the rocket is not put into danger by overheating.

Visit in IMT of delegation from Republic of South Africa, Department of Science and Technology,
12 August 2013
IMT Bucharest was visited, on 12 August 2013, by the delegation of Department of Science and Technology from Republic of South Africa.
The meeting took place in the context of continuous efforts to stimulate and consolidate the research projects and bilateral between Romania and the Republic of South Africa.
Dr. Radu Popa presented the activity of the departments of the IMT Bucharest, involvement in various international projects and the results of the bilateral project with South-Africa (2008 – 2011).
The two sides expressed their interest and willingness to continue to collaborate in international projects, to exchange experience, to realize mutual visits for researchers and PhD students.
Delegation members: Ms. Vinny Pillay – Chief Director Overseas Bilateral Cooperation, Mr. Tebogo Mokoma – Deputy Director Europe and the Gulf States, Dr. Happy Sithole – Director Centre for High Performance Computing, Venita Smit – South African Embassy, accompanied by Ms. Anca Ghinescu and Mr. Vasile Lungu – Ministry of National Education, have visited the gray area, CVD workshop, simulation laboratory, rapid prototyping laboratory and microwaves laboratory, from IMT Bucharest. |

Visit of PARCIVAL consortia members (Partner Network for a Clinically Validated Multi-Analyte Lab-on-a-Chip Platform - FP7 project) from: Pathofinder BV, Olanda; HSG-IMIT, Germania; Dr. Stein und Kollegen Laboratoriumsmedizin, Germany; Erasmus MC, Holland;
Rohrer AG, Switzerland; QIAGEN Lake Constance GmbH, Germany; Agrobiogen GmbH, Germany; EADS Germany. 26 June 2013 |
Visit of Dr. Alexandr Ruzaev - International Center for Innovative Nanotechnologies, (InCIS) and Dr. Otilia Culicov, Frank Neutron Physics Laboratory, IUCN, Dubna, Russia, May, 29, 2013, in IMT Bucharest.

Visit of Prof. Hiroshi Iwai, Tokyo Institute of Technology - May 24th, 2013
Prof. Iwai is a professor at the Frontier Research Center and Dept. of Electronics and Applied Physics, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan. With a long industrial (more than 25 years, Toshiba) and academic (more than 10 years), prof. Iwai has been working in R&D for LSI and nano-device technologies, has authored/coauthored more than 650 international and 300 Japanese journal/conference papers, received many prestigious prizes and awards for research and innovation. Current research interests are multivalent, including: High-k gate insulator technology, Metal/silicide S/D technology, Power MOSFETs, Si Nanowire MOSFETs, III-V MOSFETs etc.
In the first part of the visit, Prof. Iwai discussed with Dr. Radu Popa and Rodica Plugaru about his current research and about the structure and activities of the institute. Dr. Popa made an introductory presentation of IMT Bucharest. In the second part, Dr. Iwai was accompanied by Drs. Plugaru and Popa for a visit to the gray area and the CVD workshop (cleanroom #2). |
NANOTEC Progress Meeting, 24th of May 2013, IMT Bucharest
Project Coordinator: Thales Research & Technology, Dr. Afshin Ziaei, website http://www.project-nanotec.com/
Local organizer: IMT-Bucharest, Dr. Alexandru Muller |
Delegation from Republic of Armenia visited IMT Bucharest - 29th of March, 2013
„Management of National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies - IMT Bucharest had a meeting on March 29, 2013, with Republic of Armenia delegation, headed by the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia, Dr. Radik M. Martirosyan. The meeting was attended by the Ambassador of Republic of Armenia in Romania, Mr. Hamlet Gasparian.
General Director of IMT Bucharest, Dr. Raluca Muller presented the activity of the Institute, especially the involvement in various and numerous international projects. He also appreciated the initiative of this meeting and proposes to develop bilateral cooperation between two parties.
The President of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Mr. Radik M. Martirosyan, presented the activity of the institution he leads and achievements of the institutes and research centers from Armenia in different fields, such as physics, chemistry, biology, geology etc.
The two sides expressed their interest and willingness to collaborate in international projects, to exchange experience, to realize mutual visits for researchers and PhD students.
Delegation members, accompanied by Prof. Dan Dascalu, Nanotechnology Center coordinator, Dr. Mircea Dragoman, president of the Scientific Council and Dr. Radu Popa, director of the department, have visited the gray area, CVD workshop, simulation laboratory, rapid prototyping laboratory and microwaves laboratory, from IMT Bucharest.
The meeting was attended also by the representatives from Romanian Academy and Embassy of Republic of Armenia in Romania.”

Visit in IMT Bucharest organized by Ecoplus, The Business Agency of Lower Austria - support cooperation betwen companies, promote innovation and ease access to research and development. 31 January 2013

Official visit / events in IMT 2012 |
Partners from ENIAC JU “Micro and Nano Technologies Based on Wide Band Gap Materials for Future Transmitting Receiving and Sensing Systems” MERCURE visited IMT Bucharest, 5 November 2012

Delegation from CLUSTERIX visited IMT Bucharest (The overall objective of CLUSTERIX is thus to increase the competitiveness of European regions and their innovation potential through the improvement and strategic re-orientation of cluster policies towards smart specialization). 31 October 2012 |
Dr. Jean-Hervé Lecat, from Centre Spatial de Liege Belgium visited IMT Bucharest 23 October 2012
The participants to “Micro-nanoelectronics, micro-nanosystems” Workshop from diaspora visited IMT-Bucharest technological area, 25 September 2012

Foreign delegation participants to INTERREG IVC European project visited IMT-Bucharest technological area, 12 July 2012 |
Consortium Meeting - Project “Integrated Platform for Pesticides Detection - PESTIPLAT” (MNT-ERANET, 2011-2014), 2-3 July 2012, IMT Bucharest. Carmen Moldovan, Rodica Iosub, Daniel Necula, Bogdan Firtat, Cecilia Codreanu – IMT-Bucharest (Romania); Ion Stan – ROMELGEN (Romania); Lisa Drechsel – HSG-IMIT (Germany)
Local organizer: IMT-Bucharest, Dr. Carmen Moldovan |
Prof. Alena Pietrikova and Dr. Slavomir Kardos (Technical University Kosice, Slovakia) in the frame of the bilateral project Romania-Slovakia (2011-2012) “Time and stress degradation phenomena in lead-free solder joints”, 19 April 2012
The main goals of the visit were to evaluate with Romanian partners from IMT-Bucharest the current stage of the bilateral project (reliability testing, failure analysis) and to identify future joint projects involving the use of the reliability equipment of IMT-Bucharest. Also, the Slovak specialists visited the “Grey Area” of IMT-Bucharest, in order to find out other possible cooperation subjects.
Student Delegation of the "Electronic engineering" and "Electromechanical engineering" from Xios university college Limburg in Belgium, 6 March 2012
The purpose of this visit was to broaden the general technologic knowledge of the students and to give them a flavor of how Universities, research facilities and companies work abroad. |
Consortium Meeting Project “Enabling MEMS-MMIC Technology for cost-effective multifunctional RF-System Integration" (FP7 STREP MEMS-4-MMIC (2008-2012)), 1-2 March 2012, IMT Bucharest
Local organizer: IMT-Bucharest, Dr. Dan Neculoiu
- Hassan Maher, OMMIC, France
- Brice Grandchamp, OMMIC, France
- Mastersson Jan, SAAB AB, Sweden
- Baggen Rens, IMST GmbH, Germany
- Simon Winfried, IMST GmbH, Germany
- Nathalie Rolland, IEMN, France
- Paul-Alain Rolland, IEMN, France
- Michel Fryziel, IEMN, France
- Markku Lahti, VTT, Finland
- Pekka Rantakari, VTT, Finland
- Robert Malqwist, FOI, Sweden
Consortium Meeting Project
"Smart integration of GaN & SiC high power
electronics for industrial and RF applications" (FP7 INTEGRATED Project SMARTPOWER (2011- 2014)) , 27th-28th February 2012, IMT-Bucharest
Local organizer: IMT-Bucharest, Dr. Alexandru Muller
Mohamad Abo Ras, Berliner Nanotest und Design GmbH, Germany
Hermann Oppermann, Fraunhofer Institute IZM Berlin, Germany
Wilhelm Maurer, Infineon Technologies AG, Germany
Radoslava Mitova, Schneider Electric Industries SAS, France
Elodie Leveugle, Thales Research and Technologies SA, France
Afshin Ziaei, Thales Research and Technologies SA, France
Bernhard Wunderle, Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany
Daniel May, Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany
Johan Liu, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Kertesz Philippe, Thales Systèmes Aéroportés SA, France
Lilei Ye, SHT Smart High Tech AB, Sweden
Andras Poppe, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Tristan Caroff, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives – LITEN, France
Tobias Xhonneux, TAIPRO Engineering SA, Belgium
Selected official visit/ events in IMT (2007-2011)
Officials, for general strategic cooperation:
Dr. Aravind Padmanabhan, Director of Global Technology at Honeywell Automation & Control Solutions, with chief representatives from Honeywell Romania, September 23, 2011.
Prof. Olivier Durand, INSA FOTON (France), September 16 , 2011.
Officials delegation of Rigaku Corporation (Japan), Japan, September 16, 2011.
Dr. Stefan Weiers, the European Commission, May 25, 2011.
Dr. Romolo Marcelli, CNR-IMM Roma, April 5, 2011.
Dr. Katerina Tsagaraki, FORTH Heraklion, April 4, 2011.
Prof. Teodor Petrescu, Dean of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, March 17, 2011
Dr. Pyeong Rak CHOI, President of Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), March 14, 2011.
Dr. Mihail Roco, Senior Advisor for Nanotechnology at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and a key architect of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), January 20, 2011.
Prof. Zoran V. Popovic, Head of Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials, Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia, September 14, 2010.
Dr. Michael Neuhaeuser, Director of Infineon Technologies Romania (IFRo)
Dr. Aravind Padmanabhan, Director of Global Technology at Honeywell Automation & Control Solutions, August 6, 2010.
Prof. Adrian Curaj, President of ANCS,with Prof. Dimitar Zdravkov Georgiev, Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Education and Research, July 20, 2010.
Prof. Andreas Wild, Executive Director of the ENIAC Joint Undertaking, April 20, 2010
Renault Tehnologie Roumanie, February 24, 2010.
Dr. Francesca Grassia, Deputy Director for European Research Area-East, January 25, 2010
Dr. Michel Farine, Attaché pour la Coopération Universitaire et Scientifique, Service de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle, Ambassade de France en Roumanie, January 25, 2010
Dr. Fabio Coccetti, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, January 25, 2010
Dr. Georgios Katalagarianakis, European Commission, January 18, 2010.
Mr. Gheorghe Pogea, Minister of Public Finances, with other officials - Prof. Alexandru Aldea, vice president of ANCS, March 11, 2009.
Prof. Sorin Dimitriu, President of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bucharest, February 27, 2009.
Prof. Sorin Dimitriu, President of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bucharest, February 16, 2009.
Prof. Marius Enachescu, vice president of ANCS, August 6, 2009.
Mr. Peter C. Nogy, Eastern Europe Sourcing manager, EADS Asturium GmbH, May 7, 2009.
Larger delegations in scientific cooperation events:
University of Porto (Portugal), Agencia de Inovacao (Portugal), San Sebastian Technology Park (Portugal), INESC Porto (Portugal), South-East Regional Authority (Ireland), Waterford Institute of Authority (Ireland), Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland), ZTS GmbH (Germany), TU Dresden (Germany), University Joseph Fourier (France), Sunrise Valley (Lithuania), INCDMTM (Romania). KTForce- study visit Romania-Bucharest- Ilfov Region. July 12, 2012
Thales Research and Technology (France), Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (France), TopGaN Ltd. (Poland), Foundation for Research & Technology-Hellas (FORTH) (Greece), Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale Univ Paris Sud, Chalmers University (Sweden), Uppsala University (Sweden), November 21-22, 2011.
XLIM –Limoges and University Limoges (France), July 11, 2011.
Wroklaw Institute of Technology (Poland), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary), The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, Institute of Electron Technology (ITE) (Poland), National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos IMEL (Greece), INESC Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Portugal), Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science (MFA) (Hungary), Materials Innovation Institute (The Netherlands), WESZTA-T Industrial and Trade Ltd. (Hungary), Volvo technology Co (Sweden), NXP Semiconductors Netherlands BV, June 16-17, 2011.
Kapodestrian University of Athens (Greece), March 17-18, 2011.
Industrial Institute of Electronics, Warsaw, Kielce University of Technology (Poland), February 15, 2011.
- FlexPAET – 2nd Annual Meeting, October 13-14, 2010 - Sinaia
Participants: Fraunhofer IPT-Germany; IMT-Bucharest; Oy Modines, Finland; CEA-Liten, France; Zumtobel Austria; INNOVALIA -Spain; DataPixel - Spain; Eitzenberger Luftlagertechnik Germany; JFA Präzisionswerk Germany; IPU –Denmark; Gaggione SASFrance; Oy Modines, Finland; Fundacion ASCAM, Spain,
Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute-KERI, Sungkyunkwan University (Korea), February 23, 2010.
European Space Agency (ESA) and Romanian Space Agency (ROSA), July 8, 2009 - Mr. Pedro Baptista (ESTEC), Head and Secretary of the ESA Expert Team, Head of the Office to support New Member States, ESA; Mr. Bernard Zufferey (ESTEC), Head of the PECS Office, ESA; Mr. Miquel Pastor Vinader (HQ), Industrial Policy Officer, ESA; Mr. Joerg Callies (ESTEC), Head of the EO Technology Coordination Section, ESA; Ms. Anabelle Fonseca Colomb (HQ), International Relations, ESA; Mr. Jorgen Sandberg (ESTEC), Head of Technology Projects Division, Department of Telecommunication, ESA; Mr. Marius Piso, President and CEO of the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA), Head of Delegation, ROSA; Mrs. Anca Racheru, International Relations, Space and Aeronautics, ROSA; Mugurel Balan - Junior Researcher, ROSA; Marius Trusculescu - Junior Researcher, ROSA; Claudiu Dragasanu - Junior Researcher, ROSA; Alexandru Pandele - Junior Researcher, ROSA).
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Research Centre for Nanotechnology Applied to Engineering - SAPIENZA-CNIS (Italy), Technische Universiteit Delft – Department of Precision and Microsystem Engineering (The Netherlands), Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse (France), Università degli Studi di Salerno – Center NANO_MATES (Italy), Swedish Defense Research Agency, Department of Sensor Technology (Sweden), Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) (Italy), Institute for Solid State Physics, (Latvia), Smoltek AB (Sweden), January 21-23, 2009.
- Flexpaet - Topical Meeting Metrology and Algorithm development, Bucharest, December 3-4 2008
Participants: Fraunhofer IPT-Germany; IMT-Bucharest; Oy Modines, Finland; CEA-Liten, France; INNOVALIA -Spain; DataPixel - Spain.
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (France), December 3, 2008.
SPINTEC, CEA/CNRS Grenoble (France), Tyndall Cork (Ireland), Freescale Semiconductor, Sensonor Technologies AS (Norway), September 17-18 , 2008.
Forth Heraklion (Greece), September 15, 2008.
Last update: May, 2020 |