Curriculum Vitae |
Dr. Alexandru Müller, Ph.D. in Semiconductor Physics, since 1990 |
Employment 1972 -1996 ICCE Bucharest (microwave devices group head); 1996-prersent:IMT Bucharest head of the Micromachined structures, microwave circuits and devices laboratory
Most important results obtained in the period 1972-1996
The design and manufacturing of the first Romanian silicon and GaAs based microwave diodes: pin diodes for switching applications in the 2-20 GHz range, abrupt and hyper-abrupt tuning varactor diodes, step-recovery diodes (SRD) for frequency multipliers with fout in the range 4-18 GHz; GaAs Schottky and Gunn diodes. Development of novel technological processes for manufacturing these type of devices;
The elaboration of an original approach for the switching behavior of a narrow base pin diodes, with practical results for maximizing the stored charge (and efficiency) of SRDs (A Müller and S Voinigescu, Solid State Electronics 1989, 32, 593); S. Voinigescu, A. Müller, et. al, Solid State Phenomena1989, 6&7, 315). This was one of the main topics of the PhD thesis (1990).
The original approach was successful used in obtaining very efficient SRDs. Maximizing the doping level in the p+ layer ICCEs SRD had a better efficiency in the X8 multipliers (from 05 to 4 GHz) than all similar devices fabricated by famous providers like Thomson, Microwave Associates, Varian etc.
Most important results obtained in the period 1996-present
The manufacturing of membrane supported mm wave circuits microwave passive circuits supported on 1.5 µm thin dielectric membranes (SiO2/Si3N4/SiO2) obtained by Silicon micromachining, an European priority in this new topics (A. Müller, et al, European Semiconductor, 1997, 11, 27)
In 1997 Dr. Müller won, as coordinator, the FP4 Project No 977131 “Micromachined Circuits for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Applications” MEMSWAVE. It was one of the first EU projects in the RF MEMS topics, with 9 partners from 6 countries. It was the first ICT European project coordinated (and for a long time the only one) by an Eastern Europe country. The results obtained in the frame of this EU project have contributed to the SoTA in the topic. In 2002 the project was nominated between the 10 finalists for the Descartes prize of the EC 2002. The project has generated an itinerant European workshop in RF MEMS called “MEMSWAWE” (first 2 editions in Sinaia 1999 and 2001). The manufacturing of first membrane supported mm wave filters and antennae for mm wave frequencies (38 GHz, 60 GHz and 77 GHz) and of a micromachined receiver module for mm wave frequencies with the antenna and the Schottky diode, monolithic integrated on the same 2 µm thin GaAs membrane (A. Müller et. al, JMM, 2001, 11, 1; A. Müller, et. al, JMM, 2000, 10, 130, G. Konstantinidis, A. Müller, JMM, 2003, 13, 353).
Leader of IMT group in: FP6 NoE in RF MEMS, AMICOM, (coordinated by LAAS CNRS Toulouse); FP7 IP projects SMARTPOWER (2011-2016), NANOTEC (2011-2015), ENIAC “SE2A” (2008-2012), “MERCURE” (2010-2014);
Coordinator of: FP7 REGPOT project MIMOMEMS “European Centre of Excellence in Microwave, Millimeter Wave and Optical Devices based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems for Advanced Communication Systems and Sensors” (2008-2011). This project has ensured the SoTA results obtained in research in MEMS microwave/mm wave circuits, Dr. A Müller co-authoring papers in prestigious journals like IEEE MTT, IEEE Microwave Antennas and Propagation and Applied Phys. Let., JMM. etc. Apart from the support for scientific activities this project together with national projects SIMCA (Capacities) and Microlab (Module 4) ensured the actual SoTA infrastructure of the lab including complete microwave/mm-wave characterization equipment.
Dr. Müller has coordinated the ESA project “Microwave filter based on GaN/Si SAW resonators operating at frequencies above 5 GHz” (2015-2017) and the H2020 Marie Curie - SelectX “Integrated Crossbar of Microelectromechanical Selectors and Non-Volatile Memory Devices for Neuromorphic Computing” (2016-2018) (as supervisor).
Now Dr. Müller is the leader of the Romanian group working in the two H2020 FETOPEN European projects: CHIRON - No: 801055 “Spin Wave Computing for Ultimately-Scaled Hybrid Low-Power Electronics”, coordinated by IMEC Belgium (2018 -2021) and IQubits- No: 829005 “Integrated Qubits Towards Future High-Temperature Silicon Quantum Computing Hardware Technologies”, coordinated by Aarhus Univ. Denmark, (2019 – 2023).
Dr. Müller was coordinator of national projects in PN I, CEEX, PN II and STAR programs, projects obtained as result of a national competition:
PN I - MATNANTECH Program: COMPOLIMEMS (2001-2004), SIRMEMS (2002-2005), FIREMEMS (2004-2006),
CEEX Program: ACOMEMS (2006 – 2009), Capacities SIMCA (2007 -2009).
PN II projects: MIMFOMEMS (2007 – 2010), GIGASABAR (2008 – 2011), IDEAS MIFOGAN (“Novel technologies based on micromachining and nano-processing of GaN/Si, for advanced microwave and photonic devices” 2011 - 2016)
STAR - M3GAAS (“Millimetre and submillimeter wave GaAs Schottky diodes detectors and mixers” 2013 - 2016).
PN II project Partnership SETSAL (“Temperature sensor based on GHz operating AlN/Si SAW structures“ 2014 -2017)
Now he is the coordinator of the PN III PCE Exploratory Research project “Investigation of superior propagation modes in GHz operating GaN based SAW devices targeting high performance sensors and advanced communication system applications” SupraGaN (2017 – 2019).
In the last years Dr. Müller was involved in characterization techniques of microwave semiconductor devices and acoustic devices at cryogenic temperatures (1.5 – 6K) with/without magnetic field and also regarding devices, technology and characterization techniques for the quantum computing domain.
Dr. Müller has obtained very new results in manufacturing of FBAR and SAW on GaN/Si resonators operating in the GHz frequency range as well as and temperature and pressure sensors based on GaN/Si. Also Dr Muller worked on analysis and application in sensors of superior propagation modes in GaN/Si and GaN membranes (Sezawa, respectively Lamb modes). These results represent the state of the art for this type of devices and were published in top journals in the topics (Transducers 2019, IEEE Electron Device Lett, vol. 40, no. 1, 2019, A. Müller et al IEEE Electron Devices Lett., vol. 36, 12, 2015; A. Müller, et. al, Sensors and Actuators A, 209, 2014; A. Müller, et al, Thin Solid Films, 2012, 520, 6; A. Müller, et al. IEEE Electron Devices Lett. , 2010, 31, 12; A. Müller, IEEE Electron Devices Lett., 2009, 30, 8; A. Müller, et al, Applied Optics, 2008, 47, 10) and at the prestigious conference IEEE IMS MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (2014, 2016).
Dr Müller has also developed membrane supported UV photodetectors using advanced nanolithographic and micromachining technologies of GaN/Si.
Dr. Müller has authored/coauthored more than 150 papers in high ranked journals and conferences.
Invited talks (selection): International Workshop on MEMS and Nanotechnology Integration, 2004, Montreux; CMOS Emerging Technologies Workshop, Research & Business Opportunities Ahead, 2006, Banff, Alberta, Canada; NATO Workshop, St Petersburg, 2010; HETEC 19th European Workshop on Heterostructure Technology, Fodele, Crete, 2010; International semiconductor Conference, CAS: 1998, 2004, 2015.
Invited Seminar, Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSensing & System, WIMS2, Ann Arbor, University, Michigan, USA June 2, 2016
Awards:FP4 European project MEMSWAVE (1998-2001) coordinated by Dr. Muller was nominated between the 10 finalists for the DESCARTES Prize of the EC at the 2002 call; “Tudor Tanasescu“ award of the Romanian Academy for the scientific activity related to the micromachined microwave devices design and manufacturing – 2002;
Stages abroad
- A six months (Postdoc) stage at IMEC Leuven (1990-1991)
- A six months stage as “directeur de recherché” at LAAS – CNRS Toulouse (2003)
Other activities:
- Reviewer of journals: IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., IEEE Trans on El. Dev, JMM., Nanotechnology, Journal of Optics A, Sensors and Actuators A, Semicond. Sci&Techn, etc.
- FP7 and H2020 evaluator in the REGPOT, Space and FET calls (2008-2015);
- Organizer of scientific events: Micromechanics Europe Workshop MME 2002, CAS IEEE Conference 2001-2015, MEMSWAVE Workshop 1999, 2001, 2016;
- h-index: 16; i10-index: 23 (Google Scholar)
- Citations (without self-citations) – 234 (Web of science); 303 counted-
- Total ISI factor (only journals): 58.155
Number of publications in Q1 (red) and Q2 (yellow) type journals: 23; as first author 11
Papers in ISI journals
- S. Bonen , U. Alakusu, Y. Duan, M. J. Gong, M. S. Dadash , L. Lucci, D. R. Daughton , G. C. Adam, S. Iordanescu , M. Pasteanu, I. Giangu, H. Jia, L. E. Gutierrez, W. T. Chen, N. Messaoudi, D. Harame, A. Müller, R. R. Mansour, P. Asbeck, and S. P. Voinigescu, “Cryogenic Characterization of 22-nm FDSOI CMOS Technology for Quantum Computing ICs”, IEEE Electron Device Lett, vol. 40, no. 1, 2019, pp 127-130
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, I. Giangu, G. Adam, A. Stefanescu, A. Stavrinidis, G. Stavrinidis, A. Kostopoulos, G. Boldeiu, A. Dinescu “GaN membrane supported SAW pressure sensors with embedded temperature sensing capability” IEEE Sensor Journal, 2017, vol. 17, no. 22, Nov. 2017, pp. 7383 – 7393, DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2757770
- A. Stefanescu, A. Müller, I. Giangu, A Dinescu “Influence of Au based metallization on the phase velocity of GaN on Si Surface Acoustic wave resonators” Electron Devices Letters, IEEE, Vol 37, No 3, (2016), DOI: 10.1109/LED.2016.2521431, pp321-324, Impact factor 2.754,
- A. Müller, I. Giangu, A. Stavrinidis, A. Stefanescu, G. Stavrinidis, A. Dinescu, G. Konstantinidis, "Sezawa Propagation Mode in GaN on Si Surface Acoustic Wave Type Temperature Sensor Structures Operating at GHz Frequencies", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 36, no. 12, 2015, pp. 1299 - 1302 Impact factor: 2.754
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, V. Buiculescu, A. Dinescu, A. Stavrinidis, A. Stefanescu, G. Stavrinidis, I. Giangu, A. Cismaru, A. Modoveanu, “GaN/Si based single SAW resonator temperature sensor operating in the GHz frequency range”, Sensors and Actuators A 209 (2014) 115–123, ISSN: 0924-4247, Impact factor 1.903,
- A. Stefanescu, A. Müller, I. Giangu, A Dinescu “Influence of Au based metallization on the phase velocity of GaN on Si Surface Acoustic wave resonators” IEEE Electron Devices Letters, vol 37, No 3, (2016), pp321-324, ISSN 0741-3106, Impact factor 2.754 (A. Müller- corresponding author)
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, Maria Androulidaki, A. Dinescu, Alexandra Stefanescu, Alina Cismaru , Dan Neculoiu , Emil Pavelescu , Antonis Stavrinidis “Front and backside-illuminated GaN/Si based metal–semiconductor–metal ultraviolet photodetectors manufactured using micromachining and nano-lithographic technologies”, Thin Solid Films 520 (2012) pp 2158-2161;ISSN: 0040-6090, Impact factor 1.604;
- Alexandru Müller, Dan Neculoiu, , George Konstantinidis, George Deligeorgis, Adrian Dinescu, Antonis Stavrinidis, Alina Cismaru, Mircea Dragoman, Alexandra Stefanescu "SAW devices manufactured on GaN/Si for frequencies beyond 5 GHz" Electron Devices Letters, IEEE,2010, vol 31, no. 12, pp1398-1400, ISSN: 0741-3106, Impact factor 2.714;
- A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, G. Konstantinidis, A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, A. Cismaru, M. Danila, M. Dragoman, G. Deligeorgis and K. Tsagaraki “6.3 GHz Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator Structures Based on a Gallium Nitride/Silicon Thin Membrane” Electron Devices Letters, IEEE, vol 30, no 8, August 2009, pp 799-801, ISSN: 0741-3106, Impact factor 2.605;
- A. Cismaru, A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, F. Comanescu, M. Purica, A. Stefanescu, A. Stavrinidis, A. Dinescu, A. Moldoveanu, “Residual stress distribution and deflection analysis of very thin GaN membrane supported devices” J. Micromech. Microeng. 23 (2013) 015010 (7pages), ISSN: 0960-1317, Impact factor 1.731 (A. Müller- corresponding author)
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Dragoman, D. Neculoiu, A. Dinescu, M. Androulidaki, M. Kayambaki, A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, C. Buiculescu, I. Petrini, A. Kostopoulos, D. Dascalu, “GaN membrane-supported UV photodetectors manufactured using nanolithographic processes” Microelectronics Journal, 40 (2009), pp. 319-321, ISSN: 0026-2692, Impact factor 0.778
- M. Dragoman, G. Deligeorgis, A. Müller, A. Cimaru, D. Neculoiu, G. Konstantinidis, D. Dragoman, A. Dinescu and F. Comanescu, “Millimeter wave Schottky diode on graphene monolayer via symmetric metal contacts”, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 084302 (2012) , ISSN: 0021-8979, Impact factor 2.21;
- Andrei A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, A. Cismaru, P. Pons, R. Plana, D. Dascalu, A. Müller “Novel micromachined lumped bandpass-filter for 5.2GHz WLAN applications“ Int. Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ) 65 (2011) 1050-1053, ISSN: 1434-8411, Impact factor 0.588
- P. Pursula, T. Vaha-Heikkila, A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, G. Konstantinidis, A. O. Jussi-Tuovinen “Millimetre Wave Identification — A new short range radio system for low power, high data rate applications” IEEE Trans on MTT, Vol. 56, No. 10, Oct. 2008, pp 2221-2228, ISSN: 0018-9480, Impact factor 2.711;
- I. Giangu, V. Buiculescu, F. Bechtold, G. Konstantinidis, K. Szaciłowski, A. Stefanescu, K. Pilarczyk, A. Stavrinidis, P. Kwolek, G. Stavrinidis, J. Mech, A. Müller “Development and Experimental Results on LTCC Packages for Acoustic Wave Sensing Devices”, ROMJIST no.4, 2014 pp. 320–339, Impact factor 0.304
- A. Müller, A. Stefanescu, G Konstantinidis: Response to comments on “GaN/Si based single SAW resonator temperature sensor operating in the GHz frequency range”, Sensors and Actuators A vol 247, 15 Aug 2016, pp162–163, Impact factor 2.201
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Dragoman, D. Neculoiu, A. Kostopoulos, M. Androulidaki, M. Kayambaki, D. Vasilache „GaN membrane metal-semiconductor-metal ultraviolet photodetector” Applied Optics, Vol. 47, No. 10, 2008, pp 1453-1456, ISSN:1559-128X Impact factor 1.701;
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Dragoman, D. Neculoiu, A. Dinescu, M. Androulidaki, M. Kayambaki, A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, C. Buiculescu, I. Petrini, A. Kostopoulos, D. Dascalu, “GaN membrane-supported UV photodetectors manufactured using nanolithographic processes” Microelectronics Journal, 2008 doi:10.1016/j.mejo.2008.o7.021, ISSN:0026-2692, Impact factor 0.859;
- D. Neculoiu, A. Müller, G. Deligeorgis, A. Dinescu, A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, A. Cismaru, G. E. Stan, G. Konstantinidis, “AlN on silicon based Surface Acoustic Wave resonators operating at 5 GHz” Electron. Lett. 45, 1196 (2009), ISSN: 0013-5194, Impact factor 0.97;
- M. Bozanic, S. Sinha, A. Müller, “Streamlined Design of SiGe Based Power Amplifiers” Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology 2010, Vol 13, pp 22-32 Impact factor 0.188
- A. Ştefănescu, D. Neculoiu, A. Müller, A. Dinescu, G. Konstantinidis, A. Stavrinidis Analysis of GaN Based SAW Resonators including FEM Modeling, Romanian Journal Of Information Science And Technology, Volume 14, Number 4, 2011, pp. 334–345, ISSN: 1453-8245, Impact factor: 0.304
- A. C. Bunea, D. Neculoiu, A. Müller, Analytic and Electromagnetic Investigation of Millimeter Wave Membrane Supported CPWs Processed on High Resistivity Silicon, Romanian Journal Of Information Science And Technology, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2011, pp. 269–283, ISSN: 1453-8245, Impact factor: 0.304
- F. Coccetti, D. Peyrou, M. Al Ahmad, V. Puyal, P. Pons, H. Aubert, A. Müller, M. Dragoman, R. Plana “RF MEMS status and perspective”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 5, No 12, 3822-3827 (2008) ISSN-1872-6351 Impact factor 0.847
- A. Takacs, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, A. Müller, P. Pons, L. Bary, P. Calmon, H. Aubert and R. Plana “Tunable bandstop MEMS filter for millimetre-wave applications” Electronics Letters, Vol43 No12, June 2007, p. 676-677, ISSN: 0013-5194, Impact factor 1.009
- A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, A. Kosopoulos, A. Adikimenakis, A. Georgakilas, K. Mutamba, C. Sydlo, H.L. Hartnagel, A. Dadgar, “GaN micromachined FBAR structures for microwave applications”, Superlatices &Microstructures, 40, 2006, pp. 426-431, ISSN: 0749-6036, Impact factor 1.259
- G. J. Papaioannou, M. Exarchos, and V. Theonas, J. Psychias and G. Konstantinidis, D. Vasilache, A. Müller, and D. Neculoiu, “Effect of space charge polarization in radio frequency microelectromechanical system capacitive switch dielectric charging”, Appl Phys Lett. 89, 103512 _2006, ISSN: 003-6951, Impact factor 3.977;
- M. Dragoman, A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, G. Konstantinidis, K. Grenier, D. Dubuc, L. Bary, R. Plana, "High Performance thin film bulk acoustic resonator covered with carbon nanotubes" Appl Phys Lett.89,143122, 2006, ISSN: 003-6951, Impact factor 3.977;
- A.Pantazis, D. Neculoiu, Z. Hazoupulos, D. Vasilache, M. Lagas, M. Dragoman, C. Buiculescu, I. Petrini, A. A. Muller, G. Konstantinidis, A. Müller “Millimeter wave passive circuits elements based on GaAs micromachining”,Journal of Micromech. Microeng., vol.15,pp.S-53-S59, (2005), ISSN: 0960-1317Impact factor 2.499;
- M. Saadoui, P. Pons, R. Plana, L. Bary, P. Dureuil, D. Bourrier, D. Vasilache, D. Neculoiu, A. Müller “Dry followed by wetbackside etching processes for micromachined endfire antennae” Journal of Micromech. Microeng., vol.15, no. 7, pg. S65-S71, (2005) ISSN: 0960-1317Impact factor 2.499
- D. Neculoiu, G. Bartolucci, P. Pons, L. Bary, D. Vasilache, A. Müller, R. Plana, “Compact membrane-supported bandpass filter for millimeter-wave applications”, Electronics Letters, vol.40, No.3, pp. 180-182, Feb. 2004, ISSN: 0013-5194, Impact factor 0.968
- D. Neculoiu, P. Pons, L. Bary, M. Saadaoui, D. Vasilache, K. Grenier, D. Dubuc, A. Müller, R. Plana “Membrane Supported Yagi-Uda Antennae for Millimeter-Wave Applications”, IEE Microwave, Antennas and Propagation, vo151. no.4, pp311-314, 2004, ISSN 1751-8725, Impact factor 0.91
- G. Konstantinidis, D. Neculoiu, M. Lagadas, G. Deligeorgis, D. Vasilache and A. Müller “GaAs membrane supported millimeter wave receiver structures”, J. Micromech. Microeng. Vol 13, pp 353-358, (2003), ISSN: 0960-1317 , Impact factor 1.699
- A. Müller, G. Constantinidis, F. Giaccomozzi, M. Lagadas, G. Deligeorgis, S. Iordanescu, I. Petrini, D. Vasilache, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, D. Neculoiu, C. Buiculescu, P. Blondy, D. Dascalu. “Micromachined filters for 38 and 77 GHz supported on thin membranes”, Journal Micromech. Microeng. 11 (2001) pp. 1-5, ISSN: 0960-1317, Impact factor 1.211;
- A. Müller, S. Iordanescu, I. Petrini, V. Avramescu, G. Simion, D.Vasilache, V. Badilita, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, “Polyimide based GaAs micromachined millimeter wave structure”, Journal of Micromech. Microeng. 10 (2000), pp.130-135, ISSN: 0960-1317, Impact factor 1.141;
- I. Petrini, A. Müller, V. Avramescu, G. Simion, N. Nitescu, D.Vasilache, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, “Resistive pressure sensing structures on polyimide membranes on GaAs substrate", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 10 (2000), pp. 218-222, ISSN: 0960-1317, Impact factor 1.141
- I. Petrini, A. Müller, V. Avramescu, S. Iordanescu, D. Dascalu, “Microwave micromachined structures on <100> silicon substrate using polyimide supported pads”, Microelectronic and Engineering, Elsevier Science, 51-52, 2000, pp.595-600, ISSN: 0960-1317, Impact factor 1.141
- A. Müller, S. Iordanescu, “Membrane supported microwave circuits”, ROMJIST, vol. 2, no.1-2, pp. 117-128, (1999) Impact factor 0.095
- S. Voinigescu, A. Müller, “Charge dynamics in heterosctructure Schottky – Gate capacitors and their influence on the transconductance”, IEEE Trans. on El. Devices, 1989, vol. ED 36, pp. 2320-2327, ISSN: 0018-9383 Impact factor 2.472
- A. Müller, S. Voinigescu, “Heavy Doping Effects on the I-V and Stored Charge Characteristics of Narrow Base PIN Diodes”, Solid State Electronics 1989, vol. ED 32 Nr. 8, pp. 593-601, ISSN: 0038-1101, Impact factor 1.47
- S. Voinigescu, A. Müller, C. Anton, “Auger Recombination in Heavily-Doped p+ Silicon”, Solid State Phenomena, vol. 6, pp. 315-322, 1989, Impact factor 0.39
- L Dozsa, F Riesz, J Karanyi, Vo Van Tuyen, B Szentpáli, A. Müller, “A Transient Method for Measuring Current–Voltage Characteristics with Negative Differential Resistance Regions”, Physica Status Solidi (a), vol. 163, pp. R1-R2, 1997, Impact factor 1.45
Non ISI journals
39. A. Müller, R. Marcelli, I. Petrini, V. Avramescu, S. Iordanescu, S. Petrocco, L. Scopa, C. Risi, D. Vasilache, "Dielectric membrane support", European Semiconductor, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 27-28, Oct. 1997
40. F. Giacomozzi, V. Guarnieri, B. Margesin, A. Müller, M. Zen, F. Riesz, "Micromachined Dielectric Membranes for Microwave Applications", Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 29-37, (2000)
Books and chapters in books
Books in recognized national printing houses
No. |
Title, authors |
1 |
“ Microwave devices and circuits –Aplications”, Printech (UPB), ISBN 973-652-287-3, 2001, authors D. Neculoiu, A. Müller |
Chapters in international printing houses
No. |
Title, authors |
1 |
Chapter: „Membrane supported millimeter wave circuits based on silicon and GaAs micromachining” pp 631-654, Authors: A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, G. Konstantinidis and R. Plana in vol. „Wireless Technologies, Circuits, Systems and Devices” CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2007, Editor K. Iniewski, ISBN 9780849379963 0849379962 |
2 |
Chapter „Microwave and Millimetre Wave Devices based on Micromachining of III-V Semiconductors” pp.75-87 Authors A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, G. Konstantinidis, T Vaha Heikkila in vol. „Advanced materials and technologies for micro/nano-devices, sensors and actuators” Seria NATO Science for Peace, Springer 2010, Editori E. Gusev, E. Garfunkel, A Dideikin ISBN 978-90-481-3806-7, ISSN 1874-6500 |
Editor for volumes in national printing houses
No. |
Title, authors |
1. |
Editor for volumes in national printing houses:
Novel technologies for microwave and millimeter wave devices and circuits”, Editor: A. Müller, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2017, ISBN-978-973-27-2809-3 |
2. |
“Micromachined Microwave Devices and Circuits”, Editors: D. Dascalu, H Hartnagel, R Plana, A. Müller, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2002, ISBN-13: 9789732709085 |
3. |
“Radio Frequency MEMS”, Editors: R Plana, A. Müller, G Konstantinidis, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2003, ISBN 973-27-0979-0 |
4. |
“MEMS technologies for millimetre wave devices and circuits” Editors: R Plana, A. Müller, D Dascalu, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2004, ISBN 973-27-1087-X |
5. |
“Advanced MEMS for RF and millimeter wave communications” Editors: A. Müller, A. Rydberg, R Plana, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2005, ISBN 973-27-1196-5 |
6. |
“MEMS technologies for RF and millimeter waves circuits”. Editors: A. M. Ionescu, Anja Skrivervik, A. Müller, D. Dascalu, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2006, ISBN (10) 973-27-1374-X |
7. |
“Emerging technologies for RF and millimeter waves circuits”, Editors: R. Sorrentino, A. Müller, D. Dascalu, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2007 ISBN 978-973-27-1524-6 |
8. |
“Recent developments in MEMS technologies for microwave and millimeter wave circuits” Editors: L.Pradell, A. Müller, D. Dascalu, R.Plana, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2008, ISBN 978-973-27-1688-5 |
9. |
“New Developments in Micro Electro Mechanical Systems for Radio Frequency and Millimeter Wave Applications” Editors: G, Konstantinidis, A. Müller, D. Dascalu, R.Plana, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2009, ISBN 978-973-27-1813-1 |
10. |
“Microwave and millimeter wave MEMS” Editors: F. Giacomozzi, A. Müller, D. Dascalu, R.t Plana, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2010, ISBN: 978- 973-27-1916-9 |
11. |
“Microwave circuits and devices based on MEMS technologies” Editors: L Tarricone, A Müller, D Dascalu, R Sorrentino, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series 2011, ISBN 978-973-27-2068-4 |
12. |
“Novel RF MEMS technologies” Editors G. Papaioanou, A. Müller, D. Dascalu, R. Sorentino, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2012, ISBN 978-973-27-1688-5 |
13. |
« RF MEMS technologies: recent developments » Editors T. Akin, A. Müller, D. Dascalu, R. Sorentino, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-27-2311-1 |
14. |
“Micro Electro Mechanical Systems for microwave and millimeter wave circuits” Editors M. Kaynak, A. Müller, D. Dascalu, R. Sorentino, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series, 2014, ISBN 978-973-27-2434-7 |
- Alexandra Nicoloiu, Florin Ciubotaru, Claudia Nastase, Adrian Dinescu, Sergiu Iordanescu, Hasnain Ahmad, Philipp Pirro, Christoph Adelmann, and Alexandru Muller, “Room and cryogenic temperature behaviour of magnetic sensors based on GaN/Si single SAW resonators”, 20th International Conference on Solid State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Transducers 2019, Berlin , 23-27 June 2019
- A. Müller, A. Nicoloiu, A. Dinescu, A. Stavrinidis, I. Zdru, G. Konstantinidis, The influence of metallization on resonance frequency and temperature sensitivity of GHz operating III-Nitride SAW based sensor structures, International Microwave Symposium 2018, 10-15 June 2018, Philadelphia, USA, session WEIF: Interactive Forum #2 (rejection rate: 51%) pp938-941 DOI 10.1109/MWSYM.2018.8439423
- A. Nicoloiu, A. Muller, I. Zdru, D. Vasilache, G. Stan, C. Nastase, V. Dumitru, A. Dinescu, AlN/Si based SAW resonators for very high sensitivity temperature sensors, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 22-25 October 2018, Kobe, Japan
- Alexandru Müller, George Konstantinidis, Alexandra Stefanescu, Ioana Giangu, Antonis Stavrinidis, Mircea Pasteanu, George Stavrinidis and Adrian Dinescu, “Pressure and temperature determination with micromachined GaN/Si saw based resonators operating in the GHz frequency range”, 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), 18-22 June 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Alexandru Müller, A. Stavrinidis, I. Giangu, A. Stefanescu, G. Stavrinidis, A. Pantazis, A. Dinescu, G. Boldeiu, G. Konstantinidis, “High sensitivity, GHz operating SAW pressure sensor structures manufactured by micromachining and nano-processing of GaN/Si”, Proc. of International Microwave Symposium IMS 2016, 22-27 May, San Francisco, California
- I Giangu, G Stavrinidis, A Stefanescu, A Stavrinidis, A Dinescu, G Konstantinidis, A Muller “Pressure sensors based on high frequency operating GaN FBARs “ Proc of CAS IEEE International Conference, Sinaia, Romania 2015, pp. 157-162
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, I. Giangu, V. Buiculescu, A. Dinescu, A. Stefanescu, A. Stavrinidis, G. Stavrinidis “GaN-based SAW structures resonating within the 5.4-8.5 GHz frequency range, for high sensitivity temperature sensors” MTT-S Proc of International Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Conference, Tampa, Florida pp. 1-4, FI 0.73
- Müller A, G. Konstantinidis, A. Dinescu, A. Stefanescu, A. Stavrinidis, V Buiculescu, A Ziaei “Progress in manufacturing of GaN SAW devices resonating in the GHz frequency”, SMART SYSTEMS INTEGRATION 2014, Vienna, 26-27 March 2014, session “Advanced micro and nano technologies”
- D Neculoiu, A Bunea, A. Muller “Membrane supported circuits for millimeter wave applications” Proc of CAS IEEE International Conference, 2014, pp157-162
- I Giangu, V Buiculescu, G Konstantinidis, K Szacilowski, A Stefanescu, A Muller “Acoustic wave sensing devices and their LTCC packaging” Proc of CAS IEEE International Conference, 2014, 147-159.
- Cismaru A., A Muller, F Comanescu, M Purica, A. Stefanescu, A. Dinescu, G. Konstantinidis, A. Stavrinidis “Morphological analysis of GaN membranes obtained by micomachining of GaN/Si” Proc of Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) 2013 International IEEE, ME. 2.1-ME. 2.4, Monterey CA, USA
- A.Muller, G. Konstantinidis, A. Dinescu, A. Stefanescu, A. Cismaru, I. Giangu, A. Stavrinidis, T. Kostopoulos, V. Buiculescu “Novel high sensitivity GaN SAW based temperature sensor structures working in the GHz frequency range” Proc of 2013 EMRS Conference
- Stefanescu A, V. Buiculescu, A. Dinescu, A. Cismaru, A. Muller, G. Konstantinidis, A. Stavrinidis, G. Stavrinidis, "Modeling of SAW Resonators Fabricated on GaN/Si", IEEE Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems – IEEE COMCAS 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel, 21-23 October 2013
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, A. Dinescu, A. Stefanescu, A. Cismaru ”Single resonator GaN/Si SAW based temperature sensor” Nanotech Conference&Expo 2013, Washington, pp 423-426
- A Müller, G Konstantinidis, V Buiculescu, A.Dinescu, A Stavrinidis, D Neculoiu, A Cismaru “SAW GaN/Si based resonators: Modelling and experimental validation” Proc of CAS IEEE International Conference 2012, pp 193-196
- Stefanescu A, A. Muller, G. Konstantinidis, V. Buiculescu, A. Dinescu, A. Stavrinidis, D. Neculoiu, A. Cismaru, “SAW GaN/Si based resonators: modeling and experimental validation” Proc of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2012, Sinaia, pp 193-196;
- A Stefanescu, D Neculoiu, A Muller, G. Konstantinidis, T. Kostopulos, A. Stavrinidis, I. Petrini, D. Dascalu “New Developments on GaN membrane FBARs” Proc of MEMSWAVE , 2012
- Cismaru, A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Purica, F. Comanescu, A. Dinescu, A. Stefanescu, A Stavrinidis “Deflection and stress analysis of GaN and AlN thin membranes” Proc of 2012 EMRS Conference
- A.Stefanescu, A. Muller, A. Dinescu, G. Konstantinidis, A. Cismaru, A. Stavrinidis, D. Neculoiu, „FEM Analisys of GaN based surface acoustic wave resonators”, Proc of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2011, Sinaia, pp 177-180
- A.C. Bunea, D. Neculoiu, A. Stefanescu, C. Buiculescu, A. Muller, „Investigation of millimeter wave membrane supported structures up to 110 GHz”, Proc of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2011, Sinaia, pp 207-210;
- Cismaru, A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Purica, , F. Comanescu, A. Dinescu, A Stavrinidis, A. Stefanescu “Microphysical characterization of micromachined GaN/Si based structures used in acoustic and photonic device” 22nd Proc of Micromechanics and Microsystems Technology Europe MME 2011, paper D64
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Androulidaki, A. Dinescu, A. Stefanescu, D. Neculoiu A. Cismaru and A. Stavrinidis “Metal-Semiconductor-Metal UV Photodetectors Manufactured Using Micromachining and Nano-lithographic Technologies of GaN/Si” EMRS 2011
- A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, A. Dinescu, A Cismaru, A. Stefanescu, C.Buiculescu, I Petrini, G. Konstantinidis, A. Stavrinidis, G. Deligeorgis, T. Kostopoulos, “FBAR and SAW devices on GaN/Si operating in the GHz frequency range” Proc of Smart System Integration Conf. , Dresden 22-23 March 2011, Digital proceedings paper 13
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, D Neculoiu, A. Dinescu, A Stavrinidis, G. Deligeorgis, A. Cismaru, D Vasilache, M. Dragoman, A. A. Muller, A. Stefanescu, “Progresses in manufacturing of acoustic devices for GHz applications based on GaN/Si” Proc. of EMRS 2010, Strasbourg p G-3
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, D. Neculoiu, A. Dinescu , M Andrulidaki, G. Deligeorgis, A. Stavrinidis, R. Gavrila, A. Cismaru, M Carp, A. Stefanescu, A. A. Muller, C. Anton D. Dascalu, “Micromachining and nanoprocessing of GaN/Silicon for SAW and UV photodetector manufacturing”, Proc of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2010, Sinaia, pp 265-268;
- D Popovici, C Hulubei, VE Musteata, A Muller “New polymides aliphatic segments and thin films based on them”, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2010, Sinaia, pp 333-336;
- A Müller, G Konstantinidis, D Neculoiu, A. Dinescu, A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, M. Dragoman, M. Kayambaki, M Andrulidaki, G. Deligiorgis, A. Cismaru, K. Tsagaraki, C Buiculescu, I. Petrini, M Danila A. A. Müller “Acoustic devices and UV photodetectors based on micromachining and nanoprocessing of GaN/silicon” IEEE Sensors, MEMS and Electro-optic Systems (SMEOS) Conference 2009, South Africa
- A.K. Pantazis, E. Gizeli, D. Vasilache, E. Aperathitis, A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, “Micromachined III-N Acoustic Devices for Bacteria Detection”, Proc of Memswave2009 (10th International Symposium on RF MEMS and RF Microsystems) Trento, Italy
- A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, G. Konstantinidis, D. Vasilache, A. Dinescu, A. Stavrinidis, G. Deligiorgis, M. Danila, K. Tzagaraki, A. Cismaru, C. Buiculescu, I. Petrini, A.A. Muller and D. Dascalu, “GHz FBAR and SAW resonators manufactured on GaN/Si” Proc of International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2009, Sinaia, pp319-323;
- D.Neculoiu, S.I.Ene, A.A.Muller, C.Buiculescu, A. Müller, “Electromagnetic modelling and design of 77 GHz antennas in LTCC technology”, Proc of International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2009, Sinaia, pp 314-345;
- M. Bozanic, S. Sinha, M. Du Plessis, A. Müller, “Design flow for aSiGe BiCMOS based power amplifier”, Proc of International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2009, Sinaia, pp311-315 ;
- A. Müller, Konstantinidis, G.; Neculoiu, D.; Dinescu, A.; Morosanu, C.; Stavrinidis, A.; Dragoman, M.; Vasilache, D.; Buiculescu, C.; Petrini, I.; Anton, C. "AlN SAW structures for GHz applications" Proceedings of the 2008 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2008), VOLS 1-5 Book Series Title: Asia Pacific Microwave Conference-Proceedings Pages: 1574-1577
- D. Neculoiu, G. Konstantinidis, T. Vaha-Heikkila, A. Müller, A. Stavinidris, M. Kantenen, D. Vasilache, Z. Chatzopoulos, and M. Dragoman, “GaAs Membrane-Supported 60 GHz Receiver with Double Folded Slot Antennas”, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, , 16–20 December 2008, Hong Kong, China.
- A. Müller; Konstantinidis, G.; Neculoiu, D.; Dragoman, M.; Dinescu, A.; Stavrinidis, A.; Vasilache, D.; Morosanu, C. "SAW and FBAR resonators for GHz applications based on micromachining and nanoprocessing of wide bandgap semiconductors" 2008 IEEE 25th Convention of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Israel, VOLS 1 and 2 Book Series Title: IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel Pages: 561-564 Published: 2008; AIAA 47th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Dragoman, D Neculoiu, A. Dinescu, M. Androulidaki, M. Kayambaki, A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, C. Buiculescu, I. Petrini, C. Anton, D. Dascalu, A. Kostopoulos “Ultraviolet MSM photodetector based on GaN micromachining” Proc of International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2008, Romania, pp 91-95;
- D. Neculoiu, A.A. Muller, F. Giacomozzi, D. Vasilache, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, A. Müller “Design and optimization of microwave lumped elements filters using mixed circuital-electromagnetic simulations”, Proc of International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2008, Sinaia, pp 99-103;
- A. Takacs, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, A. Muller, P. Pons, L. Bary, P. Calmon, H.Aubert, R.Plana, “Tunable Bandstop and Bandpass MEMS Filters for Millimeter Wave Applications” Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, October 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp 591-594
- Vaha-Heikkila Tauno, Pursula Pekka, Müller Alexandru, Neculoiu Dan, Konstantinidis George, Tuovinen Jussi, “Millimeter wave identification: Concept, applications, and demonstrations”, Nanosensores and Microsensors for Bio-Systems, (SPIE) 2008, Vol 6931, pp.: M9310-M9310
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, D. Neculoiu „Membrane supported microwave and millimeter wave circuits based on IIIVs micromachining”, Proceedings of IEEE COMCAS, Tel Aviv, May 2008
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, D. Neculoiu, M. Dragoman A Dinescu, A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, and C. Morosanu “SAW and FBAR resonators for GHz applications based on micromachining and nanoprocessing of wide bandgap semiconductors “ 2008 IEEE 25th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engeneering, Vol1-2, pp 561-564, Eilat, Israel
- A. Müller, D Neculoiu, G. Konstantinidis, A Dinescu, C. Morosanu , A. Kostopoulos A. Stavrinidis, M Dragoman, G. Sajin, A Pantazis, A Cismaru “New Developments on AlN based FBAR and SAW Structures for Applications in the GHz Range”, MRS Spring Meeting 2008, San Francisco, martie 2008, pg135
- A. Müller, „Microwave, Millimetre Wave Devices based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) for Advanced Communication Systems”, Proc of 14th World Micromachine Summit, Daejon, Korea, 2008
- A.Müller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Dragoman, D Neculoiu, A. Dinescu, M. Androulidaki, M. Kayambaki A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, C Buiculescu, I. Petrini, A. Kostopoulos ,”GaN membrane supported UV photo-detectors manufactured using nano-lithographic processes”, Proc of EMRS 2008, Strasbourg, 2008
- A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, A Dinescu, C. Morosanu, G. Konstantinidis, D Vasilache, M Dragoman, G. Sajin “GHz SAW and FBAR devices manufactured using micromachining and nanoprocessing of wide band gap semiconductors“, Seminarul national de nanostiinta si Nanotehnologie, Buc Acad Romana, 2008
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Dragoman, D Neculoiu, A. Dinescu, M. Androulidaki, M. Kayambaki, A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, C Buiculescu, I Petrini, A. Kostopoulos “GaN membrane supported MSM ultraviolet photodetector”, Proc of MEMSWAVE Conference, Greece 2008
- D Neculoiu, A. Müller, G Konstantinidis C Morosanu, D.Vasilache, A.Kostopoulos, A. Stavrinidis “Modelling an Fabrication of FBARs based on Nitrides Micromachined Membranes”, Proc of MEMSWAVE Conference, Greece 2008
- A. Müller, A Dinescu, G Konstantinidis, D Vasilache, M Dragoman “Wide Band Gap semiconductor SAW type devices for GHz” Proc of IEEE International Conference CAS 2007, pp. 255-258,
- Takacs A., D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, A. Müller, P. Pons, L. Bary, P. Calmon , R.Plana, H.Aubert “New Topologies of Tunable Bandstop MEMS filters for Millimeter Wave Applications” European Microwave Week – European Microwave Conference, EuMW-EuMC 2007, Munchen, Germany, CD-ROM Issue; ISBN 978-2-87487-000-2 pp 126-129
- A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, P. Pursula, T. Vähä-Heikkilä, F. Giacomozzi and J. Tuovinen Hybrid Integrated Micromachined Receiver for77 GHz Millimeter Wave Identification Systems” European Microwave Week – European Microwave Conference, EuMW-EuMC 2007, Munchen, Germany, CD-ROM Issue; ISBN 978-2-87487-000-2, pp. 1034-1037
- M. Dragoman, A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, G.Konstantinidis, K.Grenier, D.Dubuc, L.Bary, R. Plana, H. Hartnagel, E. Fourn, E. Flahaut “Carbon Nanotubes-Based Microwave and Millimeter Wave Sensors” European Microwave Week – European Microwave Conference, EuMW-EuMC 2007, Munchen, Germany, CD-ROM Issue; ISBN 978-2-87487-000-2 pp16-19
- D.Neculoiu, G.Konstantinidis, A. Müller, A.Kostopoulos, D.Vasilache, K.Mutamba, C.Sydlo, Hans L. Hartnagel, L.Bary, R.Plana, “Microwave FBAR Structures Fabricated using Micromachined GaN Membranes”, International Microwave Symposium Digest, IEEE MTT-S 2007, pp.877-880
- D. Neculoiu, G.Bartolucci, P.Pons, L. Bary, D. Vasilache, C.Buiculescu, F.Vladoianu, M.Dragoman, I.Petrini, A. Müller and R. Plana “Low-losses coupled-lines silicon micromachined band-pass filters for the 45 GHa frequency band” Proc of IEEE International Conference CAS 2007, Romania, pp 109 – 112
- D. Vasilache, G. Konstantinidis, D. Neculoiu, C. Morosanu, A. Stavrinidis, A.Kostopoulos, A. Cismaru, C. Buiculescu, A. Müller “Micromachined AlN based FBAR structures” Proc of Micromechanics Europe MME 2007, 16-18 Sept, Guimaraes, Portugal, pp. 39-42, ISBN 978-972-98603-3-1
- Takacs A., D. D.Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, A. Müller, P. Pons, L. Bary, P. Calmon, R. Plana, H. Aubert “Tunable bandstop MEMS Filters for Ka and V-Band Applications” Proc of the MEMSWAVE Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2007 pp.147-150
- D.Neculoiu, G.Konstantinidis,. D.Neculoiu, G.Konstantinidis, T. Vaha-Heikkila, A. Müller, D.Vasilache, A.Stavinidris ,L. Bary, M. Dragoman, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, Z. Hazoupulos, N. Kornilios, P. Pursula, R. Plana, D. Dascalu “GaAs membrane Supported 60 GHz Receiver withYagi-Uda antenna” Proc of the MEMSWAVE Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2007, pp15-18
- Andrei A. Muller, D. D.Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, A. Cismaru, P. Pons, R. Plana, L. Bary, A. Müller “Novel microachined lumped element bandpass filter with an additional zero in the bandstop, for WLAN 5200 applications”, Proc of the MEMSWAVE Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2007, pp. 151-154
- G Konstantinidis, D Neculoiu, A Stavrinidis, Z Chatz opoulos, A. Müller, ”Millimeter-wave monolithic receivers based on GaAs” Proceedings-SPIE The international Society for Optical Engeneering 6415, 64150C, 2007
- D.Neculoiu, F.Giacomozzi, L.Bary, D.Vasilache, A.A.Muller, B. Margesin, I.Petrini, C. Buiculescu, A.Takacs, R. Plana, A. Müller, Compact lumped elements micromachined band-pass filters with discrete switching for 1.8/5.2 GHz applications, Proc of CAS 2006, pp. 107-110
- Takacs A, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, A. Müller, P. Pons, H. Aubert, R. Plana, Tunable MEMS filters for millimeter wave applications, Proc of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2006, Sinaia, pp.115-118
- D. Vasilache, M. Dragoman, G. Constantinidis, Y. Psychias, F. Vladoianu, T. Kostopoulos, C. Tibeica, L. Bary, A. Cismaru, D. Neculoiu, C. Buiculescu, I. Petrini, R. Plana, A. Müller, ”60 GHz band RF MEMS switch”, Proc of International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2006, Sinaia, pp. 119-122,
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, D Neculoiu,, A. Kostopoulos, M. Dragoman,,M. Androulidaki, M. Kayambaki, D. Vasilache, C Buiculescu, I.Petrini, “GaN membrane MSM ultraviolet photodetectords" .Proc of the SPIE Conf on Smart Materials Nano and Microsystems 2006, Adelaide Australia, Vol. 6415 641509-1-8
- G. Konstantinidis, D. Neculoiu, A. Stavinidris, Z. Chatzopoulos, A. Müller, K. Tsagaraki, D.Vasilache,I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, L. Bary, R. Plana, “Millimeter -wave monolithic integrated receivers based on GaAs micromachining" Proc of the SPIE Conf on Smart Materials Nano and Microsystewms, 2006, Adelaide, Australia, Vol. 6415 64150C-1-9
- K. Mutamba, D. Neculoiu, A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, D. Vasilache, C. Sydlo, A. Kostopoulos, A. Adikimenakis, A. Georgakilas and Hans L. Hartnagel “Micromachined GaN-based FBAR Structures for Microwave Applications” Proc of Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama dec 2006, pp 3-1757-1760,
- D.Neculoiu, G.Konstantinidis, A. Müller, A.Stavinidris, D.Vasilache, Z.Chatzopoulos, L.Bary, and R.Plana “Design and Characterization of a 45 GHz Yagi-Uda Antenna Receiver Fabricated on GaAs Micromachined Membrane” Proc of Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama, Dec 2006, pp 3-1653-1656
- A. Müller, D Neculoiu, G Konstantinidis and R Plana, “Membrane supported millimeter wave circuits based on silicon and GaAs micromachining”, Proc of Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, Genova, Italy, September 2006, pp 281-284
- Andrei A. Muller, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, A. Takacs, A. Cismaru, P.Pons, A. Müller “Micromachined bandpass filter with improved bandstop response for wlan 5.2 GHz”, Proc of Micromechanics Europe MME 2006, Southampton, Sept 2006, pp 125-128
- D.Vasilache, M.Dragoman, G.Constantinidis, Y.Psychias, F.Vladoianu, A.Kostopoulos, C.Tibeica, L.Barry, A.Cismaru, D.Neculoiu, C.Buiculescu, I.Petrini, R.Plana, A. Müller “Millimeter wave MEMS switch for 60 GHz band”, Proc of Micromechanics Europe MME 2006, Southampton, Sept 2006, pp 213-21674.
- D.Vasilache, M.Dragoman, G.Constantinidis, Y.Psychias, F.Vladoianu and A. Müller “60 GHz band RF MEMS switch” Proc of IEEE-CAS 2001, pp 119-122
- D.Neculoiu, A. Müller, D.Vasilache, G.Konstantinidis, A.Stavinidris, P. Pons, L.Bary, R.Plana: “ Membrane supported yagi-Uda mm-wave antennas” European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Nice, France, 9-10 Nov, 2006, pp78-79,
- D. Neculoiu, A. A. Muller, D. Vasilache, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, A. Takacs, A. Müller, D Dascalu, F. Giacomozzi , L. Bary, R.Plana, “Compact lumped elements micromachined band-pass filters with discrete switching for 1.8/5.2 GHz applications”, Proc of the MEMSWAVE Conference, 2006, pp39-43
- A Stavinidris, A. Müller, D.Neculoiu, G.Konstantinidis, D.Vasilache, M.Dragoman, I.Petrini, C.Buiculescu, Z. Chatzopoulos, L.Bary, R.Plana, “GaAs membrane-supported Yagi-Uda antenna 45 GHz receiver”, Proc of the MEMSWAVE Conference, 2006, pp 16-20
- D. Neculoiu, A. Müller, D. Vasilache, D.Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, A. Kostopoulos, A. Adikimenakis, A. Georgakilas, K. Mutamba, H. L. Hartnagel, “New developments of GaN membrane based FBAR structures”, Proc of the MEMSWAVE Conference, 2006, pp.51-54
- A. Müller, D Neculoiu, G Konstantinidis and R. Plana, Membrane supported millimeter waves circuits based on Silicon and GaSa micromachining”, Proc. Of CMOS Emerging Technologies Workshop, Research & Business Opportunities Ahead, July 2006, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- A Takacs, D Neculoiu, D Vasilache, A. Müller, P Pons, L Bary, R Plana ”Design of Tunable MEMS Filters for Millimeter Wave Systems” Proceeding of 13-th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2006, pp 301-304;
- D.Neculoiu, I.Petrini, C. Buiculescu, M.Dragoman, A. Müller, F.Giacomozzi, G.Bartolucci, R.Marcelli, “Design and Characterization of a Quasi-Optical Mixer Fabricated using Silicon Micromachining”, Proceeding of 13-th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2006, pp 210-213;
- D Neculoiu, M Dragoman, I Petrini, D Vasilache, A. Müller, G Bartolucci, R Marcelli, F Giacomozzi, “A Micromachined 38 GHz Schottky-Diode Uniplanar Monolithic Integrated Quasi-Optical Mixer”, Proceeding of 13-th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2006, pp 301-304
- F. Giacomozzi, B.Margesin, I. Petrini, D. Vasilache, D. Neculoiu, C. Buiculescu, A. Müller, “Surface and Bulk Micromachining Techniques for Lumped Components Filters Manufacturing” Proc.of MEMSWAVE 6th Workshop 2005, pp. 169-172
- I S Kim, J S S Dong, B K Min, W J Lee, A. Müller “A study on the design and characteristics of thin-film L-C Band pass filter”, Proc of KIEE International Transactions on Elecrophysics and ApplicationsVol 5-C, No 4, 2005,
- Takacs, F. Giacomozzi, G.Konstantinidis, A.A. Müller, I. Petrini, L. Barry, B. Margesin, D. Vasilache, C. Buiculescu, A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, Design and realization of lumped components for micromachined filter applications, Proc.of 16th MICROMECHANICS EUROPE – Workshop 2005, pp 64 – 67
- D. Neculoiu, G. Konstantinidis, K. Mutamba, A. Takacs, C. Sydlo, T. Kostopoulos, A. Stavrinidis, A. Müller, Electromagnetic modelling of GaN FBAR structures, , Proc.of MEMSWAVE 6th Workshop 2005, pp. 63-66
- D. Neculoiu, G. Konstantinidis, L. Bary, D. Vasilache, Z. Hazopulos, A. Pantazis, R.Plana, A.Müller “Yagi-Uda antennas fabrication on thin membrane for millimeter wave applications”, Proc.of EEE Int. Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT) 2005, pp 418 – 421
- A. Müller “GaAs Microsystem for millimeter wave range”, WSGAAS-Workshop on Advanced Microsystem for RF and Millimeterwave Communications, European Microwave Week 2005
- A. Müller, M.Saadoui, P. Pons, D. Neculoiu, L. Bary, D. Dubuc, K.Grenier, D. Vasilache, C. Buiculescu, I. Petrini, R. Plana, Membrane supported endfire antennas manufactured using silicon micromachining, IEEE Int. Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT) 2005, pp 113 -116
- A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, D Neculoiu, D.Vasilache, Z. Hazopulos, A. Pantazis, A. Stavrinidis, I Petrini, C. Buiculescu ” Novel Micromachined GaAs Circuits for Millimeter Wave Applications” Proc of EDMO 2004 IEEE International Symp, 8-9 Nov, Berg-en-Dal, South Africa, pp 9-14 ISBN 0-7803-8574-8, DOI 10.1109/EDMO.2004.1412391
- G. Konstaninidis, A. Müller, Z. Chatzopoulos, D. Neculoiu, A. Kostopoulos, A. Georgakilas, A. Adikimenakis, D. Vasilache, A. Pantazis, M. Lagadas, Design and Technology for III-V (arsenides, nitrides) Membrane Supported Yagi-Uda Antennae for 45 and 60 GHz, Proc. Of MEMSWAVE 5th Workshop 2004, pp D10-D15
- D. Neculoiu, P. Pons, L. Bary, M. Saadaoui, D. Vasilache, K. Grenier, D. Dubuc, A. Müller, R. Plana “Membrane Supported Yagi-Uda Antennae for Millimeter-Wave Applications”, IEE Microwave, Antennas and Propagation, vol 151, no. 4, Aug. 2004, pp.311-314, ISSN: 1350-2417
- M. Saadaoui, P. Pons, A. Boukabache, D. Dubuc, K. Grenier, R. Plana, L. Bary, P.Dubreuil, A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, Dry Plus Etching for Micromachined in Plane Radiation Antennas, MEMSWAVE 5th Workshop 2004, E1-E5
- M. Saadoui, P. Pons, A. Boukabache, D. Dubuc, K. Grenier, R. Plana, L. Bary, P.Dubreuil, A. Müller, D. Neculoiu, Dry Plus Etching for Micromachined in Plane Radiation Antennas, 15th MICROMECHANICS EUROPE – Workshop 2004, pp. 123-126
- A. Müller, D. Neculoiu M. Saadaoui, P. Pons, L. Bary, D. Vasilache, C. Buiculescu, O. Andrei, I. Petrini, D. Dascalu, R. Plana, Millimeter Wave Hybrid Receiver with Membrane Supported Endfire Antenna, MEMSWAVE 5th Workshop 2004, pp E10-E13
- D. Neculoiu, A. Müller, P. Pons, L. Bary, M. Saadaoui, C. Buiculescu, I. Petrini, O. Andrei, R. Plana, D. Dascalu,, “A 15-45GHz Frenquency Multiplier Integrated With a Micromachined Yagi-Uda Antenna”, Proc. of MEMSWAVE 5th Workshop 2004, pp E6-E9
- D. Neculoiu, G. Bartolucci, G. Konstantinidis, R. Marcelli, I. Petrini, M. Dragoman, D. Vasilache, A. Müller, “A Micromachined 38 GHz Schottky-Diode Uniplanar Monolithic Integrated Quasi-Optical Mixer”, IEEE RADIO FREQUENCY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (Symposium MTT-S/ RFIC 2004, pp 531-535
- Muller A., G. Konstantinidis. D. Neculoiu , M. Lagadas, G. Deligeorgis, D. Vasilache, L. Bary, R. Plana, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, N. Kornilios “GaAs membrane supported supported millimetre wave circuits”, Proc of International Conference CAS 2003, Sinaia, Romania, pp 57-60
- G. Konstantinidis, A.Müller, D. Vasilache, M. Lagadas, G. Deligeorgis, L. Bary, R. Plana, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, N. Kornilios and D. Neculoiu, “Recent Developments in Millimeter Wave Circuits Supported on Thin GaAs Membranes”, Proc.of 3rd ESA Workshop, Espoo, Finland, 2003, pp.497-503
- M. Saadaoui, A. Müller, P. Pons, D. Neculoiu, L. Bary, D. Dubuc, K. Grenier, L. Rabbia, C. Buiculescu, I. Petrini and R. Plana, New technologies based on dry and dry followed by wet backside etching processes for endfire membrane supported millimeter wave antennae manufacturing, Proc of Micromechanics Europe (MME) 2003, pp 143-146
- A. Müller, M.Saadaoui, P.Pons, L.Bary, D.Neculoiu, F.Giacomozzi, D.Dubuc, K.Grenier, D.Vasilache and R.Plana, Fabrication of silicon based micromachined antennas for millimeter-wave applications, Proc of MEMSWAVE workshop 2003, p.D15-18
- D.Neculoiu,G.Bartolucci, P.Pons, L.Bary, D.Vasilache, G.Konstantinidis,A. Müller and R.Plana, Membrane-supported coupled-line filters for the 45GHz frequency band, Proc of MEMSWAVE workshop 2003, p.B13-16
- G.Konstantinidis, A. Müller, Z.Chatzopoulos and M.Lagadas, Monolithic millimeter wave receivers based on III-arsenides micromachining, technological developments from 38 to 77GHz, Proc of MEMSWAVE workshop 2003, p.F37-41
- A. Müller, G Konstantinidis, D Neculoiu and R Plana “ GaAs MEMS for Millimeter Wave Communications”, Proceedings of EuMW-GaAs, Munich 2003, pp 337– 340
- D. Vasilache, M. Rusu, M. Dragoman, A. Müller, M. Cherestes, C. Buiculescu, R. Enachescu, F. Vladoianau, I. Dragan, Micromachined sensing structures based on tunnelling effect, Proc of MicroMechanics Europe 2002, pp. 225-228
- F Giacomozzi, B Margesin, M Zen, R Marcelli, A Muller “ Fabrication of millimeter wave devices on dielectric membranes by micromachining technology” Sensors and Microsystems: Proceedings of the 7th Italian Conference, Bologna, Italy 4-6 February 2002, ISBN-10: 9812381813
- D Neculoiu, P Pons, R Plana, P Blondy, A Müller, D Vasilache “MEMS antennas for millimeter-wave applications” Micromachining and Microfabrication, 2001, pp.66-72
- R Marcelli, A Muller, F Giacomozzi, G Bartolucci “Micromachined coplanar microwave components: technology and modeling” European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology EUSPEN, International Conference, May 27th - 31st, 2001, Turin, Italy
- G Konstantinidis ; A. Müller; G Deligiorgis; I Petrini, D Vasilache; D Neculoiu, M Lagadas, C Buiculescu; V Avramescu, S A. Iordanescu P Blondy “GaAs membrane supported millimeter wave filters” Proc. SPIE 4559, MEMS Components and Applications for Industry, Automobiles, Aerospace, and Communication, 157 (October 1, 2001); doi:10.1117/12.443031
- D.Neculoiu, R. Marcelli, M. Dragoman, S. Iordanescu, F.Giaccomozzi, A.Müller, “Design, manufacturation and characterization of microwave supported antennas for 38 GHz wireless applications”, Proceedings of CAS 2001, 24rd Edition of the International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, Romania, pp.129-132,
- D. Neculoiu, R. Plana, P. Pons, A. Müller, D. Vasilache, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, P .Blondy, “Microwave Characterization of membrane supported coplanar waveguide transmission lines – Electromagnetic simulation and experimental results”, Proceedings of CAS 2001, 24rd Edition of the International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, Romania, October, pp.151-154, 2001
- A Müller, G. Constantinidis, F. Giacomozzi, M. Lagadas, G. Deligeorgis, S. Iordanescu, I. Petrini, D. Vasilache, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, D. Neculoiu, P. Blondy, D. Dascalu “Thin membrane supported millimeter wave micromachined filters”, Proc. of CAS 2000, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 429-433.
- Petrini, A. Müller, D. Vasilache, G. Constantinidis, F. Giacomozzi, C. Anton – “Microphysical characterisation and residual stress analysis of thin polyimide membranes on GaAs substrate, support for micromachined structures”, Proc. of CAS 2000, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 455-458.
- G. Bartolucci, D. Neculoiu, M. Dragoman, R. Marcelli, A. Müller “A new analytical design approach for membrane supported band-pass filters”, CAS 2000, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 233-236
- S. Iordanescu, G. Simion, C. Anton, A. Müller, “Broadband microwave PIN diode attenuators”, Proc. 21st International Semiconductor Conference - CAS’98, Sinaia, pp. 601-604.
- R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, S. Iordanescu, A. Müller, “Modeling of bulk and micromachined lumped elements for microwave and millimeter wave frequencies”, Proc. 22nd International Semiconductor Conference - CAS’99, Sinaia, Oct. 1999, pp. 439-442.
- A. Müller, I Petrini, R Marcelli, S Iordanescu, V Avramescu, D Vasilache “Dielectric and semiconductor membranes as support for mivrowave circuits” Proc of MELECON 98, p387-391
- A. Müller, R Marcelli, I Petrini, V Avramescu, S Iordanescu, S Petrocco “Dielectric and semiconductor membranes as support for lumped elements and coplanar waveguides” Proc. Micromechanics Europe Workshop MME ’97, Southampton, UK, p.59-62
- Muller A, I Petrini, V Avramescu, S Iordanescu, R Marcelli, V Fogllieti “10 µm thin GaAs membrane manufactured by nonselective etching” Proc of SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering 1997, pp 208-217
- A. Müller, I. Petrini, V.Avramescu, R. Müller, D. Vasilache, P. Cosmin, I. Cernica, R. Marcelli, V. Fogllieti, “Dielectric and semiconductor membranes as support for microwave circuits”, Proc. 20th International. Semiconductor Conf. -CAS’97, Sinaia, pp. 549-552.
- S. Simion, G. Bartolucci, R. Marcelli, A. Müller, B. Szentpali, F. Riesz, “Nonlinear transmission lines on GaAs membranes for picosecond and large amplitude shockwaves generation”, Proc. 20th International Semiconductor Conference - CAS’97, Sinaia,pp.353-356.
- Müller A, S. Simion, M. Dragoman, S. Iordanescu, Ioana Petrini, C. Anton, D. Vasilache, V. Avramescu, A. Corici, F. Craciunoiu, "Passive devices on GaAs substrate for MMICs applications", Proc. 19th International. Semiconductor Conference-CAS 1996, Sinaia, pp. 185-188.
- Müller A, Ioana Petrini, R. Rizescu, V. Avramescu, "Planarization techniques in GaAs processing", Proc. 18th International IEEE Conf. CAS’95, Sinaia, 1995, pp. 313-316
- S. Simion, S. Iordanescu, M. Dragoman, A. Müller, B. Szentpali, K. Somogyi, F. Reisz, "18-34 GHz second harmonic generation using a graded nonlinear transmission line", Proc. 17th Annual Semiconductor Conf. CAS’94, Sinaia, pp. 367-370.
- A. Müller, Ioana Petrini, M. Catoiu, F. Craciunoiu, Raluca Muller, "X-band Gunn devices manufacturing", Proc. 17th Annual Semiconductor Conference, CAS'94, Sinaia, , pp. 119-122.
- S. Szentpali, K. Somogyi, F. Riesz, S. Varga, F. Craciunoiu, M. Dragoman, S. Iordanescu, A. Müller, S. Simion – “Schottky Diode nonlinear transmission line CPW MMIC”, Proc. of CAS’93, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 97-100.
- J. Genoe, K. Fobelets, C. van Hoof, A. Müller, R. Mertens, and G. Borghs – “The concept of quantum capacitance ant its influence on Resonant Tunneling Transistors”, Proc. of CAS’92, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 199
- A. Müller, J. Genoe, G. Borghs – “Experimental Determination of Minority Electron Mobility in Heavy Doped p GaAs using a Narrow Base Pin Diode as Test Structure”, Proc. of CAS’92, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 391-394
International Projects (Coordinator/Head of the Romanian team)
- FP4 European Project No 977131 –Micromachined Circuits for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Applications” acronim MEMSWAVE (1998-2001) Coordinator of the project
- FP7-REGPOT-2007 project No20289 “European Centre of Excellence in Microwave, Millimetre Wave and Optical Devices, based on Micro-Electro- Mechanical Systems for Advanced Communication Systems and Sensors – MIMOMEMS” (2008-2011) Coordinator of the project
- H2020 Marie Curie “Integrated Crossbar of Microelectromechanical Selectors and Non-Volatile Memory Devices for Neuromorphic Computing” SelectX (2016-2018) Coordinator of the project
- ESA (European Space Agency) project: Contract No. 40000115202/15/NL/CBi “Microwave filters based on GaN/Si SAW resonators, operating at frequencies above 5 GHz” (2015-2017) Coordinator of the project
- FP6 NoE in RF MEMS AMICOM (2004-2007) Coordinator of the Romanian team
- FP7-ICT-2011-7 contract No. 288801 ”Smart integration of high power electronics for industrial and RF applications”, acronym SMARTPOWER (2011-1016), Coordinator of the Romanian team
- FP7-ICT-2011-7 contract No. 288531 “Nanotechnology for Adaptive Communication and Imaging Systems based on RF-MEMS” acronym NANOTEC (2011-2015), Coordinator of the Romanian team
- ENIAC Call 2009 “Micro and nano technologies based on wide band gap materials for future transmitting receiving and sensing systems – MERCURE” (2010-2014) Coordinator of the Romanian team
- ENIAC Call 2008 “Nanoelectronics for Safe, Fuel Efficient and Environment Friendly Automotive Solutions ” – SE2A (2008-2012), Coordinator of the Romanian team
- Proiect COST contract: Action MP0805, “Novel Gain Materials and Devices Based on III-V-N Compounds”, (2009-2012) Coordinator of the Romanian team
National Projects (coordinator)
- MANANTECH “Technologies for manufacturing of communications microsystems based on AiiiBv compound and new polyimidic materials” – COMPOLIMEMS (2001-2004)
- MANANTECH “Millimeter wave receiving circuits manufactured by silicon micromachining”- SIRMEMS (2002-2005)
- MANANTECH “Silicon based reconfigurable filters for millimeter wave applications” FIREMEMS (2004-2006)
CEEX- “Integrated RF-MEMS circuits based on silicon, gallium arsenide and wide band gap semiconductors for advanced communication systems ACOMEMS (2006-2009)
- PN II, Capacities “Millimeter wave and microphysical characterization system for advanced communication components and circuits””-SIMCA, (2007-2009)
- PN II, Partnership, “MEMS technologies for advanced microwave, millimeter wave and photonics circuits””-MIMFOMEMS (2007 – 2010)
- PN II, Partnership, “SAW and FBAR type resonators dedicated to applications in communications for 2-6 GHz, based on micro&nanomachining of wide band semiconductors (GaN and AlN)” –GIGASABAR (2008-2011)
- PN II, Ideas, “Novel technologies based on micromachining and nano-processing of GaN/Si, for advanced microwave and photonic devices”„ (2011-2016)
- PN II, Partnership “Temperature sensor based on GHz operating AlN/Si SAW structures -SETSAL (2014-2017)
- ROSA_STAR “Millimetre and submillimetre wave GaAs Schottky diodes detectors and mixers-M3GAAS (2013-2016)
Internation Projects – member of the Romanian team
- FP7 STREP No 204101“MEMS 4 MMIC” (2008-2011)
- ENIAC JTU (ENIAC-2010-1) “Reconfigurable Microsystem Based on Wide Band Gap Materials, Miniaturized and Nanostructured RF-MEMS”- NANOCOM (2011-2015)
- NANO RF “Carbon based Smart Systems for Wireless Applications” (2012-2015)
- Proiect ESA (European Space Agency): Contract No. 4000110819/CBi “0-level encapsulation of reliable MEMS switch structures for RF applications”, 2014 – 2016
Intergovernmental Bilateral Project
- Bilateral Project with CNR Rome (1997-1999)
- Bilateral Project with FORTH IESL Heraklion (1996-1998)
- Bilateral Project with IRST Trento (2000-2002)
- Bilateral Project with FORTH IESL Heraklion (2000-2002)
- Bilateral Project with LAAS Toulouse (2003-2004)
- Bilateral Project with University of Pretoria, Carl & Emily Fuchs Institute for Microelectronics, South Africa (2008-2011)
- Bilateral Project with Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute- KERI (2010-2011)
- Bilateral Project with University of Johannesburg, South Africa (2016-2017)
Last update:
June, 2016 |