"Microwave filters based on GaN/Si SAW resonators, operating at frequencies above 5GHz" |
ESA Contract No. 4000115202/15/NL/Cbi, 2015- 2017;
Contact person: Dr. Alexandru Muller ([email protected]) |
0-level encapsulation of reliable MEMS switch structures for RF applications |
ESA Contract No. 4000110819/14/NL/CBi, 21st April 2014- 2017;
Prime Contractor: National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies- IMT Bucharest.
Technical objectives:
- design and manufacturing of MEMS switch structures for K-band to W-band (20-110GHz);
- the development of the encapsulation method of MEMS switch structures.
Contact person: Dr. Dan Vasilache([email protected]) |
PROBA-3 Coronagraph System |
FQ/3-13899/13/NL/GLC, July- November 2014 Bridging Phase; Ianuary 2015- starting the project
Prime Contractor: Centre Spatial de Liège (www.csl.ulg.ac.be3)
Subcontractor for OPSE: National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies - IMT Bucharest (www.imt.ro)
Supplier ROMAERO (www.romaero.com)
IMT-Bucharest responsible partner for “Occulter Position Sensor Emitters Heads”
Contact person: Dr. Eng. Ileana Cernica, [email protected] |
Atypical reliability tests |
ESA Contract No IPL-PTS-CBI-L-2015-944, January 2016- January 2018
Contact person: Dragos Varsescu ([email protected]) |