- NEW! Integrated system characterization [...]
- NEW! Demostrators manufacturing, together with the foreign partners [...]
- Design of Yagi-Uda and folded slot antennae for millimeter wave
- Manufacturing and characterization of antennae array for W band
- Millimeter wave characterization of the folded slot array antennae [...]
- Multidisciplinary modelling of the microwave switches in order to be integrated with the antenna elements [...]
- Experimental characterization of the test switch structures [...]
Design of Yagi-Uda and folded slot antennae for millimeter wave
The Yagi-Uda antenna for 77 GHz has an active dipole, five directors, a truncated CPW ground plane acting as reflector, all suspended on micromachined membrane.

3D simulated radiation pattern for 77GHz Yagi-Uda antenna
The 77 GHz folded slot antenna is in fact an array of two folded slot antennae fed bya CPW line
The layout of the 77 GHz folded slot antenna |
3D radiation pattern for th e77 GHz folded slot antenna |
First experimental structures were processed.


Photo of Yagi-Uda antenna structure for 77 GHz suspended on dielectric membrane micromachined on silicon
Test structure of the 77GHz folded slor antenna

Experimental (continuos line) and simulated (line with square) of the 77 GHz Yagi-Uda antenna gain
Experimental and simulated return loss for the 77 GHz folded slot antenna
Manufacturing and characterization of antennae array for W band
Primele experimentări tehnologice s-au efectuat pe plachete de siliciu de mare rezistivitate orientate <100> avand grosimea de 400 μm. Au fost fabricate structuri de test de antene atat de tip Yagi-Uda cu patern de radiatie endfire cat si matrici de antene slot foldat

(a) (b)
(a) Imagine foto din spatele plachetei pentru o antena Yagi pe membrana dielectrica subtire fabricata prin corodare umeda; (b) Detaliu
(a) (b)
Imagini foto ale unei matrici de doua antene slot foldat fabricata prin corodare umeda: (a) vedere din fata, dinspre partea metalizarii structurii de antena; (b) vedere din spate, din directia mastii de corodare.
(a) (b)
Imagini foto ale unei antene Yagi suspendata pe membrana dielectrica fabricata prin corodare uscata: (a) vedere din fata, dinspre partea metalizarii structurii de antena; (b) vedere din spate, din directia mastii de corodare
Millimeter wave characterization of the folded slot array antennae

Experimental set-up for the antenna array characterisation

Pattern radiation of the antenna array smanufactured on thin dielectric membrane at 77 GHz. There is a good directivity and low amplitude of secondary lobes.
Multidisciplinary modelling of the microwave switches in order to be integrated with the antenna elements

3D view of the electromagnetic model for the switch in OFF (a) and ON (b) state
Simmulation results (S21 and S11 parameters) for the switch structure in OFF state
Simmulation results (S21 and S11 parameters) for the switch structure in ON state
Experimental characterization of the test switch structures



(c) Actuation characteristics for three different switch structures



S parametre measurements for different polarizations(a) without actuation; (b) 40 V actuation voltage; (c) 100V actuation voltage
S parameters determinations up to 110 GHz were performed with Karl Süss MicroTec “on wafer” characterization system having Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) ANRITSU 37397D.
Scientific papers:
A.C.Bunea, M.Lahti, D.Neculoiu, A.Stefanescu, T.Vaha-Heikkila, “Investigation of Substrate Integrated Waveguide in LTCC Technology for mm-Wave Applications”, Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC-2011, Melbourne, Australia, 05 – 08 December 2011;
D.Neculoiu, M.Lahti, A.C.Bunea, A.Stefanescu, T.Vaha-Heikkila“Design and Experiments of a 77 GHz Receiver in LTCC Technology”, Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC-2011, Melbourne, Australia, 05 – 08 December 2011;
A.C. Bunea, D. Neculoiu, A. Stefanescu, C. Buiculescu, A. Muller, „Investigation of Millimeter Wave Membrane Supported Structures up to 110 GHz”, Proceedings of the 34th International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2011, Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 October 2011;
Integrated system characterization
S11 parameter for the 94 GHz antenna array |
3D Radiation pattern for the 94 GHz antenna array |
Circuit layout for hybrid integration of the low noise amplifier |
Demostrators manufacturing, together with the foreign partners
Measured and simulated S11 parameter for the 60 GHz antenna array |
Measured and simulated S11 parameter for the 94 GHz antenna array |
Transmission characteristics for the 94 GHz antenna array |
Radiation pattern at 94 GHz measuring set-up |
2D radioation pattern for the 60 GHz antenna array |
Measured 2D radiation pattern in plane E at 94 GHz |
Wafers processed at LAAS by wet anizotropic etching |
Wafers processed at LAAS by reactiv ion etching |
Optical photo of the sensor (hybrid integration with Metelics diode) |
Detail of the integration of the W band low noise amplifier in the imaging sensorcă |
Experimental set-up for sensitivity evaluation for the 94 GHz imaging sensor |