Research team (in alphabetical order) |
- Dr. Adrian Dinescu, physicist, senior researcher I, Head of the laboratory;
- Dr. Angela Baracu, senior researcher I, MSc and PhD in Electronics;
- Dr. Oana Brîncoveanu, physicist, senior researcher III;
- Phys. Gabriel Crăciun, physicist, senior researcher III;
- Dr. Livia Alexandra Dinu, senior researcher I;
- Ing. Stefan Iulian Enache, technological development eng.;
- Phys. Raluca Gavrilă, physicist, senior researcher III;
- Dr. Octavian Ligor, physicist, senior researcher III;
- Mihaela Marinescu, principal economist;
- Alexandra Mocanu, senior researcher II; eng. chem.
- Dr. Sabrina State, senior researcher III; chem.
- Dr. Mirela Petruta Suchea, physicist, senior researcher I;
Dr. Adrian Dinescu, Senior Researcher, head of laboratory ([email protected])
Dr. Adrian Dinescu ([email protected]) is head of the Nanoscale Structuring and Characterization Laboratory. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in solid state physics from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, in 1993 and 2010, respectively. In the last five years, he has coauthored about 75 papers in ISI-ranked journals. He was a Project Coordinator in eight national projects, the coordinator of Romanian partner of one FP7 project. He is involved in the micro and nanoscale characterization using FE-SEM and in structuring at the nanoscale using Electron Beam Lithography. His expertise also includes, such as micro and nano- fabrication and optoelectronic measurements. He co-authored more than 200 ISI-indexed papers. He was awarded with the Gheorghe Cartianu prize of the Romanian Academy, in 2016. Full CV
Web of Science ResearcherID: H-9737-2014, Brainmap ID: U-1700-039T-6495
Dr. Angela Baracu, senior researcher, ([email protected]) She received B.Sc (2011) in electronics, from the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology. In 2013 she became Master of Science in Microsystems and in 2018 she received the Ph.D. in Electronics and Telecommunications from the same University (thesis title: Technological improvements for sensors and MEMS).
Her main field of scientific interest is micro-nanofabrication, including MEMS and SAW devices design and manufacturing.
Angela was involved in several national projects: Reliability design of RF‐MEMS switches for space applications-REDEMS STAR Project, Tribomechanical Characterization of MEMS Materials for Space Applications under harsh environments- MEMSMAT –STAR Project, as well as European projects: EraNet Project: 3 Scale modeling for robust - design of vibrating micro-sensors (3SMVIB); SEE-Grant with Norway (2019-2021): Elastomeric tuneable metasurfaces for efficient spectroscopic sensors for plastic detection (ElastoMETA). She coordinated IMT’s activity within the Structural Funds SAWGAS (Sensitive Platform with SAW sensor for inflammable and potentially explosive gases detection) project. |
Dr. Oana Brîncoveanu, ([email protected])
Dr. Oana Brîncoveanu received her Ph.D. degree in the field of solid-state physics from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest with a thesis referring to a low cost, effective fabrication method for a glucose sensor based on a bioactive solute and solid bioactive layer. In 2019 she started a postdoctoral fellowship at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnologies, University Politehnica of Bucharest having as a research topic the synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites based on carbonic materials with potential applications in medicine and in 2023 she started a postdoctoral fellowship at the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB) with a research topic on the development of collagen based active dressings with No release for management of chronic wounds. Her research is focused on the study of surface morphology, elemental composition of different nanomaterials, thin films, etc. through scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX). She is the contact person for Nova NanoSEM 630 Scanning Electron Microscope (FEI Company, Hillsboro, OR, USA) and element energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) system (Smart Insight AMETEK). (https://www.imt.ro/echipamente/feg_sem.htm).
BrainMap ID: U-1800-055T-7037 |
Phys. Gabriel Crăciun (gabriel.craciun.imt.ro)
Phys. Gabriel Crăciun received his B.Sc. and M. Sc. Physics from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest in 1993. His expertise includes: semiconductor technology; cleanroom techniques and processes; PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) techniques - particularly deposition of thin films by e-beam induced evaporation; SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) sample imagistic investigation technique; investigations and compositional analysis of materials by EDX (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) technique. Full CV
Brain Map ID: U-1900-062P-3031. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7886-578X |
Dr. Livia Alexandra Dinu ([email protected])
Dr. Livia Alexandra Dinu received the B.Sc. degree (2010) in Biochemistry and the M.Sc. degree (2012) in Advanced Materials, both from University of Bucharest and the PhD Degree in Chemistry, in 2015, from the Politehnica University of Bucharest. She had been working in the field of electrochemical sensors since 2012 and from 2020 she joined IMT Bucharest where her research activities extended to the integration of microfabricated devices with nanomaterials for developing electrochemical sensors for environmental and biomedical applications. In 2016, Dr. Livia Dinu received the “Constantin Luca” award – for the best young analytical chemist for excellence in research awarded by the ACS. She co-authored over 40 ISI papers (23 as primary author, 12 in Q1 journals) and a book chapter with more than 400 citations, H-index=13 (WOS).
Her research areas cover electroanalysis, development of sensors and biosensors, carbon-based nanomaterials, electrosynthesis of nanoparticles, nanozymes, functionalization methods for microfabricated and screen-printed devices, wet-etching method. Full CV
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAP-6111-2020. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3264-2548 |
Eng. Stefan Iulian Enache, Research Assistant ([email protected])
He obtained BSc (2009) in engineering and MsC (2011) in ‘Microsystems’ specialisation in the Department of Microelectronics, Optoelectronic and Nanotechnologies, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Polytechnic University of Bucharest. |
Phys. Raluca Gavrila, Senior Researcher ([email protected])
Phys. Raluca Gavrilă received her B.Sc. and M.Sc in Physics from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest in 1987. Her main research interests are in the field of nanoscale characterization of surfaces and interfaces by Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques and also probing mechanical properties of surfaces by AFM-based methods and instrumented indentation techniques. She is the founder and supervisor of the SPM Microscopy and Nanomechanical Testing Laboratory of IMT-MINAFAB centre. Raluca Gavrilă has coordinated 6 national projects and has participated in other over 30 national and international projects. She co-authored more than 100 ISI-indexed papers and 3 book chapters.
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAB-8615-2019. Brain Map ID: U-1700-038W-7996.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0156-6036 |
Dr. Octavian Ligor ([email protected])
Dr. Octavian Ligor received his B.Sc. in 2001 in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. He received his M.Sc. at the same University in 2004 with the thesis "New methods of analysis of the properties of phosphosilicate glass layers by FTIR”. In 2011 he earned a PhD in science at the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon with the thesis “Reliability of the Scanning Capacitance Microscopy and Spectroscopy for the Nanoscale Characterization of Semiconductors and Dielectrics”. His research interests include surface science, fabrication, characterization and nanopatterning of ultrathin oxide and semiconductor films.
BrainMap ID: U-1700-030Y-5031 |
Ec. Mihaela Marinescu ([email protected])
Ec. Mihaela Marinescu graduated from the Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management of Dimitrie Cantemir University in 1999 and holds a Master Degree in Economics from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. She is responsible for the financial management of projects funded from National and European funds, including tracking expenses and verifying the supporting documents, centralizing and checking economic documents from partner institutes, preparation of activity reports, submission of documents related to all stages of project implementation. |

Dr. eng. Alexandra Mocanu received her PhD title in Chemical Engineering in 2012, from Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania for her thesis entitled “Self-assembled colloidal polymer dispersions” with „Excellence” qualification. During her PhD stage she was engaged in an internship abroad, at University of Patras, Greece in order to investigate another topic of her thesis: “Synthesis of inorganic nanoparticles in the presence of polymer colloids”.In 2014, she obtained financing through a project competition for a European Union post-doctoral program (ExcelDOC – POSDRU 132397 from 2014-2015) based on grant application “Optical sensors based on polymer photonic crystals”. In 2019 she received the L’Oréal National Fellowship UNESCO-WOMEN IN SCIENCE Award – for the project Photosensitive Polymer Photonic Crystals for Gas Sensing Applications – PHOTOSENS. Dr. eng. Alexandra Mocanu, proved her scientific activity covering a broaden interdisciplinary experience between chemical engineering, materials science, polymer science, physics, nanoscience, and nanotechnology totalizing over 75 publications from which 66 articles in ISI indexed journals, 3 reviews, 1 book chapter (Nova Publishing Inc.), 1 patent, 462 citations without self-citation with Hirsch index = 13 (according to Scopus and Web of Science), and Hirsch index = 15 (according to Google Scholar) (detailed CV and list of publications on https://www.brainmap.ro/alexandra-mocanu).
Web of Science Researcher ID: F-2929-2013
Scopus ID: 35722536900
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0469-9974 |
Dr. Sabrina State ([email protected]) finished her Bachelor and Master’s degree in Chemistry at University of Zaragoza, Spain in 2016 and 2017 respectively, receiving the “Extraordinary Degree/Master’s Award”. In 2018, she returned to Romania, at POLITEHNICA Bucharest, with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie doctoral fellowship as part of an Innovative Training Network, mCBEEs. She performed 3 research internships at the partner universities of the mCBEEs project, namely two at Jönköping University in Sweden and one at TU Delft University in the Netherlands. She finished her PhD studies within three years and received her diploma in December 2021 (30.12.2021) with Summa cum laude. Her doctoral research was focused on the electrochemical synthesis of metallic alloys andnanocarbon-based composites involving Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs). In the summer of 2023, she was awarded with the Schwäbisch Gmünd Scientific Exchange Grant, and she performed a short stay at TU Ilmenau in Germany where she investigated the mechanism of Ag electrodeposition in DES. Building on this education/background, in 2023, she become Lecturer at the Faculty of Medical Engineering. Since 2023 she joined the National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest) where her research activity focused on electrochemical synthesis of nanomaterials from deep eutectic solvents with various applications, including electrochemical sensors. In a relatively short period of time, she is author of 22 research articles, of which 16 were in Q1/Q2 journals and one book chapter She successfully disseminated the research findings through participation at 21 international conferences (one presentation and one poster award). Hirsch index = 7 (according to Scopus). Full CV
Web of Science Research ID: IQR-5901-2023
Scopus ID: 57892773700
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8815-4650 |

Dr. Mirela Petruţa Şuchea ([email protected])
Dr. Mirela Petruţa Şuchea received her License in Physics–Biophysics in 1999 from University of Bucharest Romania and her PhD title in Physical Chemistry from Chemistry Department of University of Crete, in 2009. She started her research career in 2002 working in Greece and Romania. Dr. Mirela Suchea dedicated her interest to research in the field of nanostructured materials synthesis, characterization and applications. She is an expert in materials science field and nanotechnology being author and coauthor of more than 75 journal articles (over 1500 citations) and book chapters in a broaden interdisciplinarity between materials science, physics, chemistry, electrochemistry, instruments and instrumentations, technology having a H-index 19 according to web of science https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1635167. Full CV.
Other webpages:
https://mirananoart.wordpress.com |
Last update:
May, 2024 |