International activities |
IMT-Bucharest in EDF
IMT-Bucharest in HORIZON 2020
IMT-Bucharest in FP7& related
IMT-Bucharest in ESA projects
IMT-Bucharest in RO14, EEA Research Programme
IMT-Bucharest in FP6 |
New projects |
Horizon Europe
1. SPIDER - Computation Systems Based on Hybrid Spin-wave–CMOS Integrated Architectures
2. NANOMAT - Heterogeneous material and technological platform for a new domain of power nanoelectronics
3. ICOS - International Cooperation in Semiconductors
4. NET4Air - Networking center for excellence in nanoelectronic devices for air monitoring
5. SMARTWAY- Nano meta components for electronic smart wireless systems
6. NerveRepack- Intelligent neural system for bidirectional connection with exoprostheses and exoskeletons
7. ISOLDE - High Performance, Safe, Secure, Open-Source Leveraged RISC-V Domain-
Specific Ecosystems
European Defence Funds -EC
1. AGAMI-EURIGAMI - European Innovative GaN Advanced Microwave Integration
2. POWERFLEX - Smart, Heterogeneous Technological Platform extending the power and frequency limits of flexible nanoelectronics
3. POWERPACK- Novel 3D heterogeneous integration for future miniaturized power RF Transceiver front ends
Structural funds projects |
TGE-PLAT, POC/77/08.09.2016, Cod SMIS2014+ 105623, 2016-2021
CESMIN, CEntru Suport pentru cooperare europeană în MIcro- și Nanotehnologii, POC/ 234/, SMIS2014+ 107894, 2020 - 2023
Moore4Medical, Accelerating Innovation in Microfabricated Medical Devices, 15/1.1.3H/342/390018/ 19.03.2021, SMIS2014+ 137529, 2021 - 2023
Highlights/ Events |
CAS 2025, 48th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 07 - 11 October 2025, Sinaia, Romania.
The Special Award for IMT Bucharest at 2024 Romanian Research Gala, an event organized by the MCID

MMS 2023, the 26th World Micromachine Summit 2023, May 22- 24, 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Media (in Romanian) |
Acces la infrastructuri pentru nanotehnologie - noi oportunități pentru cercetători și IMM-uri inovative, Market Watch, Nr. 264, Mai 2024 IMT București – 30 de ani de proiecte europene, Market Watch, Nr. 262, Martie 2024
Infrastructurile de cercetare și relația sinergică cu IMM-urile inovative, Market Watch, Nr. 257, Septembrie 2023 Centrul CESMIN al IMT București, promotor al colaborării europene în știință și tehnologie, Market Watch, Septembrie 2023 IMT București conduce un nou proiect european de avangardă. Dr. Carmen Moldovan: „NerveRepack va introduce o nouă paradigmă în domeniul dispozitivelor implantabile și a elementelor robotice”, Market Watch, Nr. 256, August 2023
World MicroMachine Summit” la București, Market Watch, Nr. 255, Iunie 2023
IMT București, deschizător de drum pentru România în proiectele EDF, Market Watch, Nr. 252, Martie 2023
Awards |
The Special Award for IMT Buchraest at 2024 Romanian Research Gala, an event organized by the MCID
Best Application Paper Award- International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales-MARSS 2023
IMT Bucharest at Inventica 2023 Inventics International Conference - The 27th edition, 22th June 2023, Iași, Romania-
4 Gold medals, 1 Silver medal
IMT Bucharest at International Salon of Inventions and Innovations "Traian Vuia", Timisoara, 15-17 June 2023-
2 Gold medals and three special awards
Services offered |
ISO 9001:2015 |
IMT-MINAFAB- IMT support centre for MIcro- and NAnoFABrication
IMT-Bucharest- your reliable partner (Services brochure) |
Facilities |
Characterization tools
Computation, Simulation and Design tools
Processing equipments
Reability and testing tools |
Visits |
Prof. Yogesh B. Gianchandani,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA,
Director, Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSensing & Systems, 7 November 2023 Dr. Thomas R. Dietrich, Managing Director of IVAM Microtechnology Network in Dortmund, Germany, 24 May 2023 Dr. Yoshishige Tsuchiya Associate Professor in the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS), University of Southampton, 24 May 2023 Ioan Marcel Bolos, Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, Romanian Government, 24 March 2022
Editors in Journals and Conference Proceedings