Call for papers
➯ CAS 2025 1st Call for papers (January 2025) [...]
Authors are invited to submit original papers on the following TOPICS:
- Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
- Micro- and Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics
- Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits and Systems
- Microsensors and Microsystems
- Modelling
- Semiconductor Devices
- Integrated Circuits
- NEW TOPIC! Devices and Smart Systems for Biomedical and Health Applications [description]
Submit your paper and participate in the contest for Best Papers in conference sessions and the Best Student Papers!
CAS Proceedings volumes are available in IEEE Xplore database and Web of Science.
Regular papers: Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (4 pages), using this template.
Authors have the option of submitting papers of 2 pages that could be selected for presentation at the conference only and will not be published in the Conference Proceedings! Please use the same template as for the 4 pages papers, including References. The papers of 2 pages are not eligible for the Best paper awards and for publishing an extended version in ROMJIST journal.
Student* papers: The conference program will include special sessions devoted to Student papers. The best student papers will be awarded. To be eligible, the paper must be based on the student's own work. When uploading the paper, the author should mark the option “Student contest”.
* Student registration is available for undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D only; it is not available for post-doctoral students.
Extended versions of selected papers presented at the conference may be included in special issues of indexed journals (see details). The contributions will be refereed according to the standards of the Journals.
Invited papers: Authors will prepare invited papers (6-10 pages, A4 format) in the same format given for the regular papers.
General information. Paper review process and policies:
The papers submitted to CAS must be original and previously unpublished. All the papers for CAS conference are submitted to a plagiarism detection process.
All the regular papers will be subjected to a peer-review procedure performed by the Paper Review Board. The review process is coordinated by the Technical Program Committee members, who allocates the reviewers for each paper, analyse the reviews results, comments and recommendations and decide on the paper acceptance or rejection, the presentation type for accepted papers (oral or poster) and their allocation in the conference program sessions.
The review process takes place online and avoiding conflicts of interest. The authors are informed about the acceptance decision and then submit the papers in their final form, taking into account all the aspects communicated in the acceptance letter and complying with the deadlines. The authors of accepted papers will be requested to sign and submit an IEEE Copyright Form stating the originality of the paper. The copyright will be transferred to IEEE. The Technical Program Committee analyse the final papers before including them in the conference program.
The accepted papers (4 pages) will be published in the Conference Proceedings and will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. IEEE reserves the right to exclude any accepted paper from distribution after the conference (including, removal from IEEE Xplore) if the accepted paper is not presented at the conference.